Friday, January 14, 2011

Window Confirmation Id

new pastimes in the province of Pavia

Once again the usual "suspects" are "fun" to destroy what he happens to shoot.

Maybe these idiots have fun than that.
Maybe ... maybe ...
I do not know '...
I are in doubt ...
But no ...
You can not always think the worst ...
Poor guys ... What can they do to have some fun? I almost
's build a nice shopping center ...
the right of the state going to Pavia (left or going to Milan), there is plenty of room ...
But ... right, left ... what's the difference ...

In recent days we were perhaps a bit 'distracted by the events of the Centre Commercial Borgarello, but the campaign of Pavia was the scene of incidents that go under the "vandalism" for me is wrong.

Who knows why they are always targeted sites and sites that refer to political parties of left and never those of the right.
Our distraction we must not forget that shortly we will be voting for provincial elections.
I hope that the political campaign is carried out with peace of mind as possible.

from the archive of "La Provincia Pavese"
Marcignago, headquarters of the Democratic Party destroyed
January 13, 2011

broken dishes, glass scattered everywhere and benches destroyed. The devastation is total in the area where the section of Marcignago of the Democratic Party is organizing the annual summer festival in the afternoon of Monday, vandals broke into the building and destroyed everything that is happened to the shot. A complete disaster.
of the local leaders have already filed a complaint against persons unknown, and the police investigating the incident to Beresfield. The fury of the Vandals did not spare anything, there are glasses on the ground in pieces, two refrigerators damaged, the windows smashed. At the center di un tavolo di marmo si vede l’impronta della mazza che i teppisti hanno usato. Il danno è ingente: «Non abbiamo ancora fatto un calcolo preciso - spiega Tobia Del Vecchio, segretario della sezione locale del Pd -. Ma si parla di decine di migliaia di euro di danni». Gli ignoti teppisti sono entrati in azione tra le 17 e le 18 di lunedì: «Siamo assolutamente sicuri dell’ora - dice ancora Del Vecchio -, perché qui al pomeriggio vengono dei pensionati, e l’ultimo se n’è andato alle 17.15»». Verso le 18 un signore che abita nelle vicinanze esce per portare a spasso il cane, sente dei rumori sospetti provenire dall’edificio e avvisa il sindaco. Lorenzo Barbieri chiama subito i carabinieri e si precipita on the spot, but the vandals have already fled. "We have no idea who may have been, and so for now we can not exclude any hypothesis - says Del Vecchio as it makes its way among the broken glass -. In the country but there are political tensions, if the matrix of this despicable act is political, certainly comes from outside. " A Marcignago such a thing had never happened. In the village there is wonder and regret, "I'm shocked, I do not know who it might have been - said a lady who lives next to the devastated street in Europe -. They went immediately stop, now who takes them? ". Surely such a thing did not expect even those of the PD: "In the past we had some theft, but never threats or things that we did expect to be targeted - telling the local secretary -. But certainly when I think of recent events in Pavia, with all the damage to the headquarters of the Left, I am a bit 'of fear. " A Marcignago there is no precedent of this kind: the country after 10 years of center-right government, has now come to the center. In that vandals have destroyed over the past 50 years has always held the Unity party, and time between July and August there is the Democratic party. "The festival will again this year: we will not win the hooligans - concluded Del Vecchio -. 'll Make a home more beautiful than before. "
- Gabriele Count


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