Friday, March 11, 2011

Wait After Bactrim Alcohol

20/03/2011 Select interregional Veneto / Trentino Alto Adige

Sunday, March 20 are scheduled to select the inter-Vicenza Veneto / Trentino Alto Adige Italian championships for the next individual table football. In

this page you will find the information you need to participate and updates about the event.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Breville Waffle Recipe Blog

Serenissima rules

Once again players Venice Mestre make its voice: the first 4 positions of the fourth regional players there are in fact only the lagoon. Alessandro Mastropasqua stage wins in the final only to have the best sudden death of a great Andrea Scola, while the semifinalists quell'Edoardo Bellotto in the region that always comes to gamble and is slowly trying to return to optimum levels, and Roberto Agirmo, sorpresa del giorno.

Questa la classifica regionale dopo la quarta tappa.

Antonio De Rosa Zava 8
1 Mastropasqua Alessandro Serenissima Mestre 350
2 Bellotto Edoardo Serenissima Mestre 270
3 Scola Andrea Serenissima Mestre 220
4 Rigon Dimitri Bulldogs Vicenza 130
5 Agirmo Roberto Venice Mestre 125
6 Mauro Castiglioni Bulldogs Vicenza 105
7 Bernardi Daniele Bulldogs Vicenza 80
8 Alberto La Rosa Venice Mestre 75
9 Righetto Simone Venice Mestre 73
10 Daniele Della Monaca Venice Mestre 68
11 Boscolo Vicenza Patrick Bulldogs 53
12 Pierluigi Bianchi Venice Mestre 53
13 Billi SubbitoGol Alessandro Ferrara 50
14 Bulldogs Vicenza 45
15 Soldera Simone Venice Mestre 45
16 Bobbo Luca SC Venice El Leon 38
17 Edward Bulldogs Vicenza 38
18 Christmas Paul Venice Mestre 38
19 Barbaresco Loris Bulldogs Vicenza 38
20 Stringari Enio Venice Mestre 31
21 Michele De Rosa Bulldogs Vicenza 30
22 Volpi Giovanni Ferrara SubbitoGol 30
23 Paolo Mariotto 30
24 Diego Cogo Bulldogs Vicenza 15
25 Portesana George SC Venice El Leon 15
26 Lazzari Davide Venice Mestre 15
27 Sado Massimiliano 15
28 Velli George Venice Mestre 15
29 Paul D'Ambrosio 8
30 Paolo Gobbo SC Venice El Leon
31 Vienna Francis Venice Mestre 8
32 Venzo Andrea Bulldogs Vicenza 8
33 Carretta Louis Bullodgs Vicenza 8
34 Michele Serafini SC Venice El Leon 8

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This How My Period Look Like

A song for the Certosa di Mino Milani

Questa nota nasce dalla mia recente visione del film "Fantasma d'amore" tratto dal romanzo scritto nel 1977 da Mino Milani.
Il film, diretto da Dino Risi, narra la storia di un uomo, Nino (Marcello Mastroianni) che, per puro caso, incontra sull'autobus la sua prima fidanzata Anna (Romy Schneider).
Le immagini dei primi anni '80 fotografano i luoghi di Pavia e di altri luoghi della provincia pavese, moderni e antichi allo stesso tempo, che sono ancora chiaramente riconoscibili..
La curiosità mi ha spinto a leggere il romanzo, che ho facilmente preso in prestito nella biblioteca di Certosa di Pavia.

Non voglio però raccontare qui la storia e le tragiche vicissitudini dei personaggi, ma cercare un'altra chiave di lettura.

Come spesso accade, l'adattamento cinematografico sacrifica molto dell'opera originale.
Un brano del romanzo, infatti non è stato ripreso dal film.

La storia raccontata dall'autore pavese è densa di tanti altri messaggi e ricche suggestioni. Mi ha colpito molto, proprio nel primo capitolo, leggere un brano che riguarda molto da vicino il Monumento della Certosa di Pavia. E' di una eccezionale attualità. Mi sono permesso di trascriverlo qui di seguito e vi invito a leggerlo, facendo attenzione che Mino Milani lo scrisse nel 1977.

Il giorno dopo ci fu la visita alla Certosa: “Lo so che è un sacrificio, for you, but I'm sorry if people think that you and snub us, look, you should definitely come, "Teresa told me. Yes, of course, I had proposed to go by car, we could give a lift to some of the older members, for example, or lord. But she was adamant: he had been chartered bus, and would have gone by bus, it was about seven kilometers, finally, and she was the president, I remembered? Yes, of course, I remembered, and so made the trip up, to leave this or that lady sitting. Standing with me were other husbands, smiling, satisfied and tireless in the conversation. A couple of times I caught the eyes of Teresa, which rested su di me un po’ perplesso e un po’ preoccupato, e accennai, allora, e sorrisi a dire che tutto andava bene e che il sacrificio non era poi così grosso. 
“La vedo un po’ stanco, caro dottore”mi disse il professor Neri, in piedi accanto a me. Ma guarda questo scemo, pensai.
“Eh, che vuole, professore? Il lavoro”
“E gli anni. Ogni anno ne passa uno”
“Non ci si scappa”
“Ma lei è ancora tanto giovane! Ah, conosce il ragionier Chiarini?” ed era la terza volta che mi presentavano Chiarini the accountant, the husband of a counselor.
"very honored" I said.
Professor Blacks said "The doctor is the husband of our president and the accountant Chiarini made a quick bow.
Meanwhile we had arrived and were beginning to fall, in the great square, with tall poplar trees - a last plume of yellow leaves, over the top, against the blue sky.
He led a visiting friar, white robe and black, sly air.
safe and patient answered questions, illustrated with authority, ease, sweeping gestures elegant, going under in the framework of corner angle, with a quick pace, and we followed grouped and fearful of losing some of his word. An accident. Why is that idiot professor of Blacks had found me a bit 'tired? Be ', perhaps a little' I was, yes, but I wanted to see him, I returned to work. Moreover, I agree, a period of rest m'avrebbe done well.
We were now in front of a large fresco, and the brother mentioned, raising his arm, with the elegant tunic that fell to discover the wrist, and said, "... but here, also a testimony to the opposite: that is the incivility of a people. The dark after the light, but this is perhaps too strong a term. We'll find another set. They have seen how, statues and bas-relief sculptures on the facade, the heads are missing ... Yes: the head, detached from the bottom, is more exposed to damage, but .. "a pause, hands open and raised" but in truth, those heads are gone, not because, or rather, not only because of injuries It took centuries of wear and tear of aging, say natural of all things created ... those heads are missing because they were stolen. Aye. .. that is, yes: stolen. The marble figures of the bands were beheaded. "
The brother is expected that the usual silent murmur of disgust, and continued: "But at least, then, it was sacrilegious thefts in the sense that the visitors were convinced in their faith, to take home the relics, carried by most those heads. Now, apart from the looting of works of art thefts in museums and galleries ... and certainly not for all men!, oh, now no longer be visited a monument of faith, which is precisely that, lest we forget, for the religious sense! ... Look here: graffiti. We hear about: american graffiti, of course ... and we find them in the house! No, no: we have nothing to learn! Know?, We Italians should put tutto sotto vetro e sotto grata, sotto chiave, insomma. Graffiti! Guardino: con un chiodo, un temperino, che so?, una forcina per capelli, guardino quanti visitatori hanno scritto qui il loro nome! Guardino” e faceva scorrere l’indice affusolato su quel reticolo biancogrigio di nomi, di date, di segni, che occupava la parte più bassa dell’affresco. 
Qualcuno alle mie spalle disse, sopra il brusio scandalizzato che si faceva sentire: “Io pubblicherei tutti questi nomi in un libro, avvertendo: ecco i nomi dei nuovi vandali!”.
“Macché libro! Multe, ci want, and savory! Force them to pay the costs of restoration, "
" Ah, but you should take them done! "
" For me, just as guardians
"Let them do their duty, yea"
"There," the monk had taken "the idiocy here, big word, but allow me to use it, the idiocy of some people" Peter R., 23 May 1968 "... Apparently this Mr. Peter felt very important. And this? "Luigi Bellotti said" They understand ...? He: How to write masters! It boasts, also, this Mr. Bellotti, "and had become almost a game, and the ladies of the circle is stretched to read names and dates, and the monk continued," Angelo and Marisa, five mars' ... Mars also misspellings, now ... and these?, they swear that you love, with the names surrounded by a heart? ... Guardino, "Nino, Anna, yesterday and today". "
I had seen them and read them, a moment before. Those of our names, Nino, Anna, yesterday and today. An oblique light. A renewed sense of wonder and deep, a dazed, slightly heart sank. Again. I remained motionless, while group, full of condemnation, he continued. Nino, Anna, yesterday and today. The stock fell from the book on the currency desk .. but this time ...
watched. Strange. Street, at least it was strange. A series of coincidences so tight. As if ...
"Nino, you come from?"
Teresa called me, turned me wincing, I replied: "Yes, arrival and looked again. Nino, Anna, yesterday and today. In a heart. Nothing special, you know, after all, there were scores of Nino and Anna who loved and visited the Certosa. Hell, I was sure of one thing: that graffiti was not my doing. I had never been a modern vandal. I went to the Charterhouse with Anna, who goes there?, But neither I nor her ...
"So, Nino?"
I hastened to the group.
In this passage is clear and very clear testimony of the author that the vandalism in the Charterhouse is not a phenomenon only present and that even then there was talk of neglect and abandonment of this architectural beauty. Continues with consistency, here and in Italy, the relentless "drift" of Monuments. Today, more than ever, is important for those who are sensitive to these issues should focus on trying to preserve and protect our heritage and cultural vandals and speculators.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is 3 Months Baby Small Blister Penis

When it comes to mobility

We hope that this time is the right time.

Not like when last September, I happened to read the news of a strengthening of public transport which is not then nothing came of it.

could even hope - in bringing this link - someone thought, I know ... maybe the Province of Pavia and the region, also finally create a bus (maybe call, as proposed Arfea) efficiently linking the railway station to Guinzano Borgarello, Certosa di Pavia, Giussago, San Genesio, Vellezzo Bellini , Zeccone.

Forse si farebbe prima a rimettere in funzione la carrozza del  tram a cavalli parcheggiata sul piazzale del monumento ... o a resuscitare il vecchio  Gamba de legn

da Il Ticino del 22 febbraio 2011
Passante Milano-Pavia: la proposta

"Se la S2, linea ferroviaria suburbana, fosse estesa fino a Pavia, come gia' avviene Lodi and the north of Lombardy, we would have a real strengthening of rail transport throughout the south Milan. "The Regional Council supports the Lombard Pd Franco Mirabelli, author of a question to which immediate riosposta today in the Regional Council, said Regional Councillor for Infrastructure and Transport Raffaele Cattaneo.''

Assessor - Mirabelli says - before the solicitation of the Democratic Party has acknowledged the need 'to extend the suburban railway line S2 to Pavia, to stop providing Villamaggiore, Locate and Pieve Emanuele, but was unable to respond on time to market. Of course not 'a priority', as they dwell on economic reasons for the delay of an intervention which is cheap because the line and stations already 'facilities.''
Cattaneo in the House but has' stated intention to start the next service contract with TLN (Trenitalia LeNord) test cases for the future introduction of S2. On this''- says Mirabelli - the real will 'of the Executive to meet the needs of thousands of commuters and to the need' to move the rail car traffic to reduce travel times and curb pollution'' .

by the "Provincia Pavese, 23 2011 febbario
'Trains Milan to Pavia "
The commissioner points to the regional extension of the loop
project also supported by Binasco and Lacchiarella
trains could reach the railway link from Milan to Pavia. One hypothesis is also advocated by the mayors of Binasco Lacchiarella and now seems to be confirmed in the words of the Directorate of Infrastructure and Mobility of the Region of Lombardy, Raffaele Cattaneo.
"considers it necessary to extend the Lombardy Region the extension of the line S2 towards Pavia. Already in 2006 we signed an agreement with RFI to reserve the necessary capacity to enable the service lines of S to the south and in particular to Pavia "Cattaneo said yesterday during the session of the Regional Council, answering the question of Franco Mirabelli (Pd) about the possibility of extending the run of the suburban line S2.
"At this time of cutbacks for the transport of Lombardy by the government - said Cattaneo - the biggest problem remains, however, the availability of finance for expanding services. Although the Lombardy Region has also increased the services during this period in which other regions are reducing them, we are in a situation where all the regional rail system is inevitably influenced by the financial maneuver. "
'It already operates a working group of the region with Trenitalia-LeNord - said the Regional Minister - who is preparing technically all the detailed plans of suburban service. "
Soon the technical panel should be expanded to include a comparison with the local institutions and users of the service, "as was the case for the extension of the S9. The goal is to share time with them for the changes of schedules and services. "
"With the revision of the contract of service-Trenitalia Lenord - said Cattaneo - alcune corse della linea S2, potrebbero essere prolungate a breve, in via sperimentale, da Milano Rogoredo fino a Pavia».
«Regione Lombardia ritiene necessario estendere il prolungamento della linea S2 verso Pavia. Già nel 2006 abbiamo sottoscritto un accordo con Rfi per riservare la capacità necessaria per attivare il servizio delle linee S a sud e in particolare verso Pavia» ha dichiarato ieri Cattaneo durante la seduta del Consiglio regionale, rispondendo all'interrogazione di Franco Mirabelli (Pd) in merito alla possibilità di estendere le corse della linea suburbana S2. «In questo momento di tagli alle risorse per il trasporto lombardo da parte del Governo - ha proseguito Cattaneo - the biggest problem remains, however, the availability of finance for expanding services. Although the Lombardy Region has also increased the services during this period in which other regions are reducing them, we are in a situation where all the regional rail system is inevitably influenced by the financial maneuver. " 'It already operates a working group of the region with Trenitalia-LeNord - said the Regional Minister - who is preparing technically all the detailed plans of suburban service. " Soon the technical committee should be expanded to include a comparison with the local institutions and users of service, "as was the case for the extension of the S9. The goal is to share time with them for the changes of schedules and services. " "With the revision of the contract of service-Trenitalia Lenord - said Cattaneo - some of the racing line S2, may be extended in the short, experimental, Rogoredo from Milan to Pavia.

Bmx Mini Ramps For Sale

06/03/2011 - Mestre - 4 ^ test circuit region of Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige Veneto

Sunday, March 6 is scheduled for the fourth leg of the circuit region of Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige table football. The event, called "ALEJANDRO Trophy" in honor of a new arrival in orange-black-green (congratulations to the family!) will be held at the " Sports Club Mestre " site in "Calle Two Doors, 10" in Mestre (VE), beginning at 9 am : 30 .
For more information about the tournament go here .

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Make An Eevee Happy In Silver


I had already occurred some time before now to think that there are realities that are close to us who are not considered enough.
's a classic aspect of provincialism Italian. Try going to ask a Milanese Milan and about something other than the cathedral or the Castello Sforzesco. Probably these monuments, since they are large and in the center, perhaps he saw them. If you are lucky you will be able to indicate the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie (where the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci). For the stores will show you the area of \u200b\u200bthe Duomo, San Babila Corso Buones Aires. Try to ask a Milanese, born in Milan, to tell you where to find a typical and exclusive made in Milan.
Panic ... now even more the cake is made in Milan, Alfa Romeo who knows where to produce it, the Lambretta is a museum piece, and so on.

I admit my ignorance when it comes to beer and do not understand the difference between the different grades.
I'm not a huge fan, drink it often. I prefer wine.
'm still fascinated by that - near here - I saw before my eyes practically born, grow and win two first prizes for two consecutive years.
is not a trivial matter.
Congratulations to all those who work with passion and who have obviously realized their dream.

Brewery Rural - Farm Educational Farm Oasis

from "La Provincia Pavese" of February 21, 2011

The best dark beer in hand was born in Italy Certosa Certosa

. The best kind of English ale, but always made born in Italy between the rice fields of Cascine Calderari village of Certosa.
Beer "bogeyman" of the Rural brewery that its creators call "dangerously drinkable" for the lightness in spite of the seven and a half degrees, won the first prize in category at the national competition organized by the Parma Unionbirrai for craft beers.
the competition, two days of tastings dedicated to the best of Italian craft beer, was attended by 397 beers in 83 breweries, divided into twenty different categories.
to taste and vote for the best of Italian twenty judges, half of which are internationally recognized for participating in competitions worldwide.
"We won the first prize in the category of dark beers with high alcohol content of the Anglo-Saxon - Lorenzo Guarino explains, one of six members of the Brewery Rural -.
The beer is called "bogeyman" is made with dark roasted malts, American hops with hints of pine. Despite the 7.5 percent alcohol is light. So much so that we define as "dangerously drinkable". "
But how did the idea to become a brewer? "From a shared passion - replies Guarino -. We did the passion for beer at home, then we decided to make a profession. We produce for the local shops and selected. "
(s ro).

Watch South Park In French

Right of reply

published in full, without cutting the mail received this morning from John Evans has been submitted - for publication - even Bistrattin Curzio, Managing Director of ItineraCivitatis.

Indeed last post I asked myself that if anyone knew more than I could have documented my inaccuracies or errors in exposure.

Here, however, adjustments do not read my post, so I think that - At least for it - John has nothing to correct what I posted.

What I can not understand is the hatred that is felt from what he wrote his friend John (not having had any quarrel with him, however I consider a friend), as if Serb resentment or if it was bitter about something in particular . She also writes
- correct me if I'm wrong - in the name of ItineraCivitatis.

accusations that gives me could be considered seriously offensive to those who have nothing to personal relationships that have passed between myself and John. Perhaps, he never accepted my character, my contradictions, and my attitude di fronte alla realtà politica ed alla società civile.

Personalmente non ho intenzione di dar peso a nulla di ciò è stato scritto e non raccoglierò nemmeno una di queste illazioni gratuite nonché infondate. Chi mi conosce ed ha condiviso le vicende citate sa esattamente come si siano svolti effettivamente tutti i fatti menzionati. Tutto il resto è da considerarsi alla stregua di una banale chiacchiera ... ognuno ne trarrà le proprie personali considerazioni.

Non sempre si è d'accordo con ciò che una persona dice, ma ognuno ha la possibilità di esprimersi e la libertà di esporre le proprie idee. Quello che si sente dire alle persone spesso, anche se non sempre, può non coincidere alle idee che si hanno. C'è chi non riesce ad esprimere ciò che ha in mente e che vuole sinceramente realizzare. E' anche probabile che le proprie idee non siano sempre condivise dagli altri. A volte questi pensieri vengono anche espressi in un modo che si fatica a comprendere.
Non esiste un "unico individuo" che può affermare di avere la “verità” in tasca.
Chi sa mettersi in discussione, accettando con serenità d'animo il contraddittorio, sa anche che questa è la base del vivere civile e democratico. La Libertà and Democracy is also this.

My intention has always been - and always will be - to explain as clearly as possible the information and communicate, even expressing my ideas and my thoughts are - thankfully - not to please or shared by all.

Finally, from this post, I've enabled the comments will be subject to moderation. This will delay publication. Sincerely

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Giovanni Evangelisti
Date: February 23, 2011 10:17
Subject: response needed
A: Maureen Marzano
Cc: Curzio Bistrattin

The grant from disclosing my experience entirely on its various
blog for equal dignity of our review (plural nous)
versus his personal vision inirente the article by journalist
Bistrattin on Itinera Civitatis.

The enormous effort exerted by the Editors of the poor but noble
comic Certosa di Pavia "Itinera Civitatis"
to be balanced and equidistant from the stormy weather policies and
by the smallness of the party newspaper of the City of Certosa di Pavia
not for Mr. Marzano.
My personal experience: known for Movement "Certosa
deserves better", involved several times without ever having wanted
commit first-person suddenly left the
participation in the initial plans.
What has won the 'friend Maurizio "
First knowing that inspire me to the "List 5 Star" and
long trying to signal the application of a sort of "morality"
virginity and partisan political candidates in the election has taken the design creating
a group "5 stars" at Certosa.
Secondly, he copied the idea of \u200b\u200binventing Gas Carthusian
6 months after a group stupidly competitive viisto for things
good demand is low and the duck does not float like a well-known states
funny motto.
Thirdly his participation in our group is independent
stata improvvisamente troncata per atteggiarsi amorevolmente con un
noto esponente in via di ascesa del Consiglio comunale di Certosa (non
una svendita certo, forse una passione passeggera) e i suoi accoliti.
Infine noto come il professionista dei blog, delle associazioni e del
web si presenta ormai più di B e delle sue veline in ogni ambito della
vita provinciale pavese tanto da chiedersi quando e quanto possa
lavorare nella sua vita (io oggi sono in ferie nda)..
Mi fa specie di come adesso si rivolti contro chi l'ha aiutato in
vario modo e che come gli è stato explained several times trying to keep
fully polished and reasoning, giving rise to
information and even conflicting views.
"I do not agree with what you say but I am prepared to die as long as you
can express."
I also wonder how come off by the Park Visconti
(not live there, we attended a few months ago, had never
concerned before?) Can be become the opinion leaders?!
I wonder why in a short time has become the referent of
Movement five-star and friend of the Democratic Party notables of
Force Italy Certosa at the same time?!
will also be very good in this but then it is also nice and is
far from our local form of expression, independent and dignified
from our daily work and especially from our monthly
which arrogantly wanted to participate but not has been able to produce
even a small contribution to the quality and independence.
John the Evangelist.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Build Wall Mounted Bar Table

Who pays and who collects?

I read the latest issue of that monthly ItineraCivitatis is produced and distributed to Certosa di Pavia. I paused to carefully read the editorial by Curzio Bistrattin, which - with italics cerchiobottismo - to take a clear position on the issue Mall Borgarello. I do not like people who do not can say yes and no and stops at " ni" and " know." At the risk of making mistakes, you know how to take responsibility for a decision. Or you say yes or say NO. Those who have had the patience and the desire to read - here and on facebook - knows how I feel about this subject. Mine is a decisive and motivated NO

Back to article - to me - the friend Curzio does not provide information as precise that could mislead the opinion of a reader who does not know all the aspects (which are, truth be told, not quite so simple). Unfortunately, want to simplify things too much you run that risk.

None of the opinions positive or negative data from the municipalities concerned have, as immediate and direct consequence, generated any economic consideration that can be immediately collected. All these are "statements of intent" that have yet to be signed in a formal "binding" to the company proposing the action.

I think at least partial, if not inaccurate, the following steps of the article published on the issue of paper ItineraCivitatis di febbraio 2011 (file PDF) :

1 - ...  il nostro comune [Certosa di Pavia nda] dovrebbe beneficiare di 1,5 milioni di euro .

2 - E ce n'è anche per le associazioni di commercianti ed esercenti .

3 - ...  prima di tutto 11,5 milioni per la viabilità, la bretella di Certosa, ...

4 - ...  sembra incredibile a dirsi, in tutta questa storia il comune di Certosa sarebbe, stando ai numeri, quello che ci guadagna di più.

5 - ...  il nostro Sindaco [Certosa di Pavia nda] ha saputo portare a casa un importante risultato, forse migliore rispetto a quanto ottenuto dagli altri amministratori seduti al tavolo .

Vado ad esaminare punto per punto le affermazioni scritte.

1 - La somma indicata  dovrebbe essere l'equo compenso del depauperamento del territorio comunale? Incassare simbolicamente -  una tantum (una volta sola e mai più)  -  circa 10 euro al metro quadro utilizzato basteranno to repay degradation and pollution that will result? the end will be the Certosa common sacrifice the larger amount of territory in this insane project devastation.

2 - The City of Zeccone is not the agreement, but there hi knows exactly how many businesses of Pavia, San Genesio, Giussago, Charterhouse and Borgarello? They will be given sums - no exact figures-but that will only be at a " begging" for a couple of years and then ... go-ahead to closures and failures .

3 - just a 11.5 million euro in order to "harness " and "tangential ? should be a total of about 8 / 9 15/16 meters kilometers of wide roads, with at least 9 / 10 round at the campaign level, two bridges over the canal and its grafting and the roads connecting the existing road system. Where will the elusive ' strap "connecting the ring road and the former SS35 with the provincial Zeccone? Should replace the rail until the Viale Certosa, and should be at least 2 km. The lands which are they? Those subject to strict constraint landscape? The "strap " is never even been hinted at on any of the designs proposed - and agreed - by the municipal council of the society of Borgarello Serrughetti.

4 - The alleged " gain" should come from the construction of roadway infrastructure. But this sum includes all? For all we know there seems to be money to pay for the expropriation of private land. These sums - most likely there will be - will pay the rest of us (though that is only for those who pay the taxes).

5 - The sums involved seem large and, on balance, they are not. The economic value of total collections - one-off - should match RIDICULOUS: for Borgarello 32/33 euro per square meter , for Certosa 10 euro per square meter (see explanation in step 1) . The real deal would do more. A Giussago whole sum, without losing ground, the gross pollution (Giussago in the bioreactor is compreso nel prezzo?). A   San Genesio i commercianti incasseranno l'elemosina  prevista senza colpo ferire. A  Pavia si tratterebbe di pochi spiccioli,  e si tratterebbe proprio di ben poca cosa. Per finire  Zeccone non confina con Borgarello, per cui.... nulla.

Tanto vale la ricompensa - elemosina - che ci faranno per il consumo stimato di circa 50 ettari di terreno agricolo che non potrà essere più recuperato?

Le cifre che indico sono abbastanza precise perché le I have found in public documents. Are the total of the amounts indicated in ' Article 12 - sureties attached resolution granting business licenses to the Mall Borgarello (it's almost the end of post). When making the total these items will reach about 16.5 million €, more penny, penny less. If you want to give credit to past promises not to go beyond 23/24 million and the land would increase to 46/47 euro per square meter (but only for Borgarello).
The only commitment that will lottizzante will be the signing of certain insurance policies, together with the signing of the agreement.

So far - in hard facts and real - no one has signed any commitment, as there is nothing yet and therefore all the paper that was produced and rivers of words that we written and write, we read and read, none has committed to do anything and no one to receive a penny.

If someone knows more than I can document my mistakes and inaccuracies.

Finally I want to integrate this study along with the letter of Sandro Bruni - Pavia Municipal Councillor in the trade and production activities - which was published on "Ticino", 18 February 2011, where comments and reviews, with accuracy of detail, the question " opinions " intricate each other.

's who said yes to Centro Shopping Centre that nobody wanted!
Perhaps the title was slightly wrong, or better, and certainly served to recall the various Ministries concerned with much consistency.
But care should be understand how things are readers and that is:
1) Regione Lombardia ha detto si al Centro commerciale e l’ha detto al termine della procedura come previsto dalla Legge
-Ma ha detto si ,. quindi lo voleva (1 a zero)
2) Il Comune di Borgarello tramite il Commissario prefettizio ha detto si al Centro commerciale e aveva detto si nel pieno delle funzioni di quel consiglio comunale fin dall’inizio della procedura (2 a zero)
3) L’Amministrazione Provinciale di Pavia ha èspresso in modo documentato il no al Centro Commerciale e l’ha detto quando previsto al termine della procedura (2 a 1 palla al centro vince il Centro commerciale !!!) –
Quindi già due and then 2 is that the government wanted! -
The Towns area bordering the shopping center what they said (do not have a right to vote in the Conference took the view of regional services in the verification procedure to make the Provincial Administration of Pavia) 11 Municipality of Pavia said no reasons for it technically urban commercial, social and environmental
It strongly supported (citing Laws and Regional Funding) the need in place to support the market for neighborhood shops of our city
The City of S Genesio said no reasons for it properly.
Il Comune di Giussago ha detto si al Centro commerciale (motivandolo con alcune utilità pubbliche che ne deriverebbero). -
Ma anche prima l’Amministrazione comunale di Giussago ha detto si facendo sobbalzare sulla sedia i dirigenti del Pd locale
Il Comune di Certosa ha detto si con varie motivazioni prima fra tutte la realizzazione della tanto attesa tangenziale di Certosa
Concludendo gli unici no sono stati del Comune di Pavia e del Comune di San Genesio (che però come Certosa e Giussago non esprimono voto durante la Conferenza dei Servizi Regionale);
nonché il no dell’Amministrazione Provinciale di Pavia come mentioned in paragraph 3). Who then should be facing the call for better coherence and respect of citizens and the aid promised to the neighborhood shops? - -
the Lombardy Region that did not take into account either the density of existing shopping centers or the socio-economic bunting nor of the environmental and urban planning.
and the City of Borgarello that if he can find a hundred or more jobs for whom? And how many part-time, but you will find in the pockets of several million Euro in miscellaneous charges! -
Unfortunately, no news organization has reported the statement that I am wanted verbal report to the Conference of Regional services not expressing the Municipality of Pavia to the mall Borgarello namely:
A) that the negative fallout from the economic - social - urban - environmental, etc. .. it would be reversed only the Municipality of Pavia;
B) need to revise the regional rules not so much with regard to the delegation of the Region but not recognized possibility of the town which would fall on the environmental burden - landscape - economic and social be able to fully express their opinion and vote on the setting up trade, not being within its territory it is heavily loaded e negativamente coinvolto anche contro l’espresso parere del proprio consiglio comunale.
Sandro Bruni
Assessore al Commercio e Attività produttive del Comune di Pavia

Monday, February 21, 2011

Can You Connect Two Portable Dvd Players Together


the inter-phase of the North Series D the Veneto is the big item: the Venice Mestre, as predictions, and is an unstoppable steamroller Filotto with 9 wins in as many games, does not allow anything and play every game at large, led by its champions. The surprise is the other Venetian in the race, the Bulldogs Vicenza: a departure in the shadows their own, without benefit of predictions and a defeat on the opening day against the battleship orange-black-green. At the end will be the only defeat in two days at that Casalmaggiore (CR) for alfonsinos you play the second place (which would guarantee access to the final stage of the series D in Chianciano Terme) to the last game and see vanish dream a two-minute siren from the last game, with the CTS, which makes overtaking Genoa using the white and red tie with Milan Flickers.
A two-day experience for all participants who have given birth to a thrilling tournament with three teams (besides the mentioned Bulldogs Vicenza Genoa CTS and should be added to the Stradivari Cremona) who battled until the last Venice Mestre to accompany the final stage.

also be noted that after the exhibition, the organization wanted to reward the two players who distinguished themselves during the different days and both teams finished the awards of our house were awarded Renzo Frignani fact, a great champion and value added of Venice and Mestre, surprisingly, Mirko Bellotto, president and captain of the Bulldogs Vicenza, detection team.

And now a big good luck to qualificatesi two teams, who can also stand in the final stage. But at Venice Mestre we are ready to bet.

How To Beat Cube Runner Level 3

Inside the Certosa di Pavia

Dall'unica prospettiva possibile, in quanto protetto da una cancellata, nelle fotografie si ammira l'altare con il Polittico del Perugino conservato nella Cappella di S.Michele Arcangelo, posta sul lato sinistro della navata della Certosa di Pavia.
In queste antiche copie si possono vedere il demonio ucciso dall'Arcangelo Michele, il sacco dove la Madonna appoggia il Baby Jesus and the dog that accompanies Tobias, in the original tables, are being cut. The only original piece of Perugino is one that depicts God the Father Blessing, supported by doctors of the church painted by Bergognone.

God the Father Blessing

As explained in the article, the original the lower three panels are stored at the National Gallery in London.
by the Province of Pavia February 18, 2011

The paintings and drawings that Perugino created for the Certosa di Pavia

CERTOSA. a Saturday afternoon away from the hustle and crowds of the city. Delve into the history of art, to learn the meaning of a picture, immersed in the rarefied landscapes and abstract beauty of the sweet and Perugino (1450 - 1523).
Tomorrow at 15 in the hall of the Carthusian Certosa di Pavia, as part of a series of meetings dedicated to the artistic heritage of Charterhouse and its museum, the art historian Furio coordinated by Letizia Rinaldi Lodi, director of the museum of the Monastery, will give a lecture entitled "An air et angelica very sweet. Perugino: paintings and drawings for the Certosa ". More than a lesson will be a conversation, by Perugino accessible even to those who know little or nothing, a fictionalized story that will capture the attention of the public. And finally, before the picture, anyone will be able to read something. Starting with the 'air et angelica very sweet "which is a peculiarity in the poetry of Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci, aka Peurgino" Teacher Singles, her things are air et angelica very sweet, "so the artist was reported to the Moor by his agent in Florence, and for the same reason he was chosen to speak on the Certosa di Pavia. "The Moro - Furio says Rinaldi - was in fact looking for the best Florentine artists (Leonardo da Vinci was already in Milan) to assign two altarpieces for what was the main yard Renaissance of the dukedom, the Certosa. Together with Perugino had been reported Filippino Lippi, but the beauty and delicacy of the lines of the master of Raphael had no equal, Ludwig did not think twice, and the commission was entrusted in 1496 to Perugino. " The artist, who was then the height of his fame (in addition to the altarpiece was planning the blade of Cremona, and Bologna to the picture with lots of love and chastity executed for Isabella d'Este in Mantua), worked there until 1500, putting body and soul this project, and the result was "of such beauty and perfection - continuous Rinaldi - often in the past has been called into question the hand of his pupil, Raphael. But you know, the early works of Raphael did not come to such a quality. " The altarpiece is composed of two registers: the lower (three boards 126x58 cm) with the Madonna and Child with the Archangel Michael and the Archangel Raphael with Tobias, having been alienated nel periodo napoleonico e passato nella collezione Melzi d’Eril a Milano, fu venduto nel 1856 alla National Gallery di Londra, dove risiede tutt’ora, e da dove non è mai più uscito, negato a ogni prestito per mostra. Le tavole mancanti furono sostituite dalle copie attuali, realizzate tra il 1608 e il 1640 da un pittore lombardo, forse Giacomo Antonio Santagostino. La tavola superiore invece, con il Padre Eterno Benedicente, unica autografa del Perugino rimasta, è conservata ancora alla Certosa. Spiega Rinaldi: «Al momento delle soppressioni austriache-giuseppine del 1784 non venne riconosciuta come opera del maestro rinascimentale, ma assimilata al minore Mariotto Albertinelli, sfuggendo così the requisition. In addition to the history of the altarpiece, Rinaldi will also show some great preparatory drawings (autographs) that Perugino executed under construction.
- Chiara Argenteri

Monday, February 14, 2011

Belt Buckles For People Who Are Allergic To Metal

A cake for a special couple to the Certosa di Pavia

What can 'tie a cake in a couple with the Certosa di Pavia?
Lodovico il Moro and Beatrice d'Este is the pair at the Certosa di Pavia that he wanted to rest after their death.
Cake, Renaissance is the Dolceriso, whose recipe was born at the Sforza court, and legend has it that an invention is the wife of the Moor the educated and young Beatrice d'Este. At the end of fourteen hundred

Lodovico il Moro it was the Duke of Milan and had created a splendid court.
To give even more luster, after buying a noble title, started grandiose public works and private, supported artists and scientists, organized dances, and - strong in his power - he had wore to bed the most beautiful women of the era, which also the maid of honor of Beatrice, Cecilia Gallerani who was the famous painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the painting "Lady with an Ermine."

Beatrice, when she became Duchess of Milan, was the height of his cultural and fashion. Lo splendore della sua corte, nel seppur breve tempo della sua esistenza e al di sopra di ogni altra in Europa, divenne leggendario. I continui ed incessanti ricevimenti probabilmente portarono allo sfinimento Beatrice che morì di parto, dopo una grande festa a Milano - a soli ventidue anni - nel gennaio del 1497.

L'antica ricetta del dolce è simile a un budino di riso, ricotto e richiuso in un involucro di pasta frolla, arricchito con canditi, pinoli, mandorle e aromatizzato con acqua di rose. Considerata l’indole infedele del Moro, l’utilizzo dell’acqua di rose nella torta probabilmente non fu casuale. Pare che l’acqua di rose abbia speciali powers. Healing the wounds inflicted by the repeated betrayals, would lead the beloved to return to the path of the house, make romantic and disseminate concord, harmony and patience in the pair.

do not know how many cakes Lodovico was able to enjoy, but the water rose, however, failed to have the effect desired by Beatrice, as they gathered more, even after death.
The tomb can be seen in the left transept of the Certosa di Pavia is in fact empty.
After the death of his wife was the same Ludovico il Moro to commission the execution of the monument which was to bring them together. Carvings were initially placed in the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. To prevent the destruction in 1564 were bought by the monks and brought to the Certosa di Pavia.
The Duke of Milan, Ludovico il Moro, 10 April 1500 was taken prisoner by the French and imprisoned in the castle of Loches, a small town in France, where - in 1508 - died there. He is currently buried in the Church of the Dominicans of Tarascon, France. His Beatrice is instead buried in the Church of the Dominicans of St. Maria delle Grazie in Milan.

Certosa di Pavia - Il cenotafio di Ludovico il Moro e di sua moglie Beatrice d'Este (Cristoforo Solari)
foto di  Marco Bonavoglia

Dolceriso per il Moro

per la pasta frolla

400 grammi di farina
200 grammo di burro
180 grammi di zucchero
2 egg yolks for the filling

250 grams of rice
1 liter of milk 50 grams butter

half vanilla bean
a bit 'of a lemon peel, cinnamon

40 grams of pine nuts
100 grams of almonds candied citron

egg yolk 150 grams of sugar a pinch of salt

2 or 3 drops of rose water or rose essential oil for food

Prepare the pastry with the sugar, eggs, butter, salt and flour.
Mix and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Boil the milk with the seeds of the vanilla bean and lemon zest. Add the rice
and bake for 30 minutes, adding half cooked, sugar, a grain of salt, butter and a teaspoon of cinnamon.

The rice should be al dente and left liquid (cooking the rice must be like to make a soup).
At this point, raised the lemon zest and add the pine nuts, almond flour, egg yolk, chopped candied citron.
Combine rice rose water or essence.
Line a pan with the pastry, keeping an edge of about 5 cm, and pour the mixture, close the pie with another disc of pastry and bake at 180 degrees until they have acquired a beautiful color biscuit. Before serving the

Dolceriso for Moro, sprinkle the top of fillets with almonds and powdered sugar, perhaps drawing a snake, the heraldic symbol of the effort ...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Saleen Replica Center Caps

Bats, biodiversity and human stupidity

I read the news that amaze me and that I leave a bad taste in my mouth. Pavese on the province today (as can be seen below) is a telling development - a paradox to say the least - the news, dating back to July 30, 2010 Bereguardo explaining how to live one of the largest bat colonies in Europe.
The Po valley - like all wetlands - is an area where, once the summer arrives, you live in cohabitation with mosquitoes and other insects considered "troublesome".
this motivation would suffice to make us think usefulness of bats and their other natural predators.
addition to this reason you should know that the colony of Beresford is composed of specimens of the species Vespertilio Geoffroy. " This is a protected species, included in Annexes II and IV to Directive 92/43/EC "Conservation of natural habitats" (PDF) . The animal species of Community interest and requires a strict protection.
The development of insect predators may have only promoting the best natural habitat and ideal, both in the aquatic environment for dragonflies, beetles and amphibians both in ambient air for bats (bats), dragonflies and all i vari tipi di uccelli. L’obiettivo che bisogna perseguire è favorire il naturale miglioramento dell’ecosistema e, di conseguenza, ripopolare i predatori di zanzare. Per farlo si deve realizzare tutta una serie d’interventi di tipo agronomico-florovivaistico.
Qui vicino a noi, la Regione Piemonte, sembra che abbia fatto qualcosa per affrontare il problema legato alla tutela dei pipistrelli. Non mi risulta che la Regione Lombardia abbia fatto una cosa simile.
Per quanto riguarda quello che ognuno di noi può fare, nel suo piccolo, per “adottare" una famigliola di pipistrelli può leggere quello che ho scritto già qui in questo post.

The bat cave rare Beresfield - (picture the "Provincia Pavese)

by the Province of Pavia February 6, 2011
The Parco del Ticino: "We need them to return, are to the ecosystem." The mayor: "Check what happened"
Beresford, walled the bat cave
held the largest colony in Europe, hut closed during the work in the parish
BEREGUARDO. When the two thousand bats Zelata to return this spring, will find the cave shut. During the refurbishment of the cave given to the parish of Our Lady of Mount Caramel and St. Joseph from the first "miracle" of Lourdes Carini Maddalena, last month was the walled cavity that contained them. In the small village some are outraged. But there are those who rejoiced, "Finally they left," says a lady in front alal church.
The discovery of the breeding colony of Geoffroy Vespertilio bats (Myotis emarginatus) more numerous in Italy and Europe dates back to July. So often blocked behind the gate to the left of the white, were started visiting scholars in the Parco del Ticino, universities and environmental groups across Europe. The other colonies, in fact, barely reaches 500 units, and species of Community interest, is threatened with extinction. In July, had been announced restructuring measures, but no alterations to the habitat of bats. "We knew the work, and so did the Park - says the mayor of Beresford Roberto Battagin -. But the situation is delicate, is a place of worship. Check out what happened with the technical department. "
outcry of the Ticino Park. Luigi Duse, vice president and head of the supervisory comments: "The colony testified to how important environmental protection to maintain a healthy ecosystem. We will work to re-create the conditions so that the bats can get back in the spring. We hope that all relevant territorial interressati move in the same direction. "
Anna Ghezzi

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Breakthrough Bleeding Dark Brown

Cat Day, even the spoiled

Thursday, February 17 is celebrated as the Day of the Cat and I want to dedicate all our feline friends in this poem by Agostino Faravelli, poet Pavia, which I transcribed from his blog. He has dedicated to Arthur, her spoiled cat.
I love cats and I want to dedicate it to one in particular now that we no longer ...
No, not dead, Oliver is very much alive. Unfortunately we could not accommodate him in our home for various allergies in the family. Now he gives his "naps" from my sister.

Poetry and 'dialect in Pavia, but who does not speak it can certainly understand it.

Am donut Arturo, a gat sum, sum
and white partners, a mas-sum concept, no need to go
Ciapa the rat
I gat the sum of an architect.

Lü 'vuraris about the stage in cà
par tut Pultrone if one be in a day, a
blamblanà by whom and from there, the fus fagh
little to her mistress,
' nei forums on par does the need ...
cute little round sal sofa.
Sum of ACORD, par governance dream!! I
Vori viv in freedom.

Vo forums since the day, not the hip,
vo gir in pri ort and private gardens, which
quarrel gat, hip CIAPI bots, vo to
ago cuncèrt, search Gatina ...
e 's see the signs' m to do is: When Sun
from me 'n from the ME headquarters
Tuti pödan the cust
ch' en nér increase the gat and white.

Agostino Faravelli

Friday, January 28, 2011

Pokemon Silver Online Save

Bernardino De Rossi - painter Pavia

That is a reflection on the "hidden treasures".

The Province Pavia now I read the article on the "treasure" recently restored Pancarana. The author of this fresco is the painter Bernardino Pavia De Rossi. What's special is that it is the artist who painted in Pavia Certosa di Pavia in the period between 1490 and 1510. Here
leave my thoughts. Why, among the many works that are kept here, not long ago - during a special visit to the monument - I could see a "hidden treasure": the gallery called "Novice". Unfortunately, this area of \u200b\u200bthe Certosa di Pavia, situated in the south-facing outside of the great cloister, is not normally open to visitors. Currently. With normal guided by the monks will not get far. But it is right here on this porch wall where it starts, there is a fresco that is very special. Represents a tree and its "branches" are painted many figures of adoring monks. In the sky above the plant, on a cloud, there is the Madonna and Child with Angels around them.
I do not know who the author of this fresco, nor the characters are represented. The badges are a crown - most likely - the coats of arms of families and families linked to the Monastery. Who knows.

Certosa di Pavia - arcade Novice

's treasure Pancarana - From "La Provincia Pavese" of January 28, 2011
I wonder if Don Pasquale Guerra thought of a miracle, when in 1895 he discovered in his small church near the Po hidden by plaster fragments of paint, perhaps shook the hand, while writing to the Director of Monuments in Turin to inform him of what happened.
Of course the following year the church of St. Peter and Paul Pancarana monument became regional, and in 1907 the priest Domenico Franzosi's successor, Don Pasquale, received the announcement: the most beautiful among those that emerged from the frescoes were painted lime Pavia in 1505 by Bernardino De Rossi, known to art historians to have painted some quarters of the Certosa.
was under thirty years of Don Franzosi fight to get money, that the works were restored before the Second World War as well as episodes from the life of Christ and the saints, the signature was discovered by De Rossi, "B'nardinus De Rubeis.
Pancarana is a village of about three hundred inhabitants, ten miles north of Voghera: dell'Oltrepo an outpost for those who arrive here from Pavia, but he sees the hills on the horizon and the air feeds the river, and the fog that thickens at this time on the fields green and ocher. Today
the keeper of the treasure of the church of St. Peter and Paul (built in '400) is Don Maurizio Ceriani, pastor and scholar of local Casei Gerola.
The first fresco depicting the martyrdom of Saint Agatha shows, due to De Rossi set the adoration of the Magi, the baptism of Jesus and the martyrdom of Saint Lucia (while the other paintings in good condition are likely to have worked the painter's helpers ): "From scenes of martyrdom - Don Maurizio explains - we understand how important it was at that time the role of" wonder-working saints ". A Sant'Agata in Catania were snatched her breasts with tongs hot: thus became the patron saint of mothers breast-feeding. While Saint Lucia, which were gouged out his eyes, he became the patron saint of eyesight. The characters who have suffered a gruesome martyrdom - "Don Maurizio - have given rise over the centuries a great popular excitement, and the believers, in the absence of treatment, they tried to protect them.
With today's science, perhaps these things make us smile, but we think even a hundred years ago than it was a problem, a mother, the lack of milk. Among the frescoes in the church of San Pietro and Paolo Mauro Don points out the signs of the client (a meal): "In the baptism of Jesus - says the pastor - in addition to John the Baptist's St. Peter's impossible, according to the Gospel. But then this church is named after the saint. "
Bernardino De Rossi came to work Pancarana because the church was a dependency of the Certosa. The art historian Louise Grass explains that "the end of '400 and early '500 is a period of great artistic flowering of the territory in Sforza had a lot of the shops that were working at a good level, Pavia and around. "
recent renovations in the church dating back three years ago: "In the mid-90s - said Paolo Viola, Mayor Pancarana - was made a speech on the walls against moisture, then in 2007 we asked how to help the City Community Foundation of the Province of Pavia, and together with the funds of the parish has worked directly on the frescoes, with a restoration . Would require further work because the church is always full of moisture, but unfortunately our resources are very limited. "
Daniel Ferro

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Verility Ex Cock Growth Force Max

Treasures of the Museum of Certosa di Pavia

Saturday, December 18, 2010 the Lodi Letizia, director of the Museum, presented a lecture with multimedia contributions, a series of meetings with scholars, illustrating the works and the treasures kept in the Museum of Certosa di Pavia. The experts present their work and update on the work that is taken into consideration. The conversation follows the presentation of the work exhibited in the museum.
At the first meeting the same director has spoken widely about the Pala Bartolomeo Montagna and explained how they were carried out restoration work.
The meetings continued on January 22, 2011, with Edoardo Villata (Catholic University of Milan), art historian and expert on the history of the arts that Lombard has extensively shown the painting "The Christ of Sorrows." The work is a pictorial testimony that can be seen in the Museum of the Certosa Pavia is connected directly to a work of the famous painter and architect Bartolomeo Suardi said Bramantino (Milan, 1465 - 1530).
fact the canvas is not just a copy of the famous work "The Risen Christ" to secure the Bramantino Museo Thyssen - Bornemisza Madrid (copy in English) (sound card, also in Italian) , but can be defined as an interpretation - perhaps more intimate and reassuring - the original.

Bramantino-The Risen Christ

Future events are to room Carthusian : Saturday, February 19, 2011

Furio Rinaldi (PhD University of Rome 2) A
'air et angelica very sweet "
Perugino paintings and drawings for the Certosa
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dario Trento
(Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milan)
Bernardino Luini and Pavia Carthusian

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can Wine Cause Black Stool

Mastropasqua regional leader in the region

Palaplip the beautiful surroundings of Mestre, and Edoardo Mastropasqua Bellotto continue to do battle for regional leadership at the end gets the better player Lido, Mestre but sold it dearly. Surprise of the day Vicenza Daniel Bernardi who reaches the semi-finals and then gives only the winner Mastropasqua after closing the first time in the lead. Always positive Scola's tournament which is removed just from the sd Bernardi, excellent first regional appearance for the strong Rovigo Bill that comes up in the semifinals and gives a measure of pirotecinco 3 to 2 to the finalist Bellotto, while a little 'subdued and Lazzari Agirmo e. .. Rovigo very understated the fox!
be noted that the day also saw the dispute in a tournament for young talent, with several kids to play, have fun, laugh and joke around a green felt that, despite the years, always knows how to give great emotions.

This regional ranking after the third stage.

1 Alessandro Mastropasqua Venice Mestre 250
2 Bellotto Edward Serene Mestre 220
3 Andrea Scola Venice Mestre 150
4 Rigon Dimitri Bulldogs Vicenza 100
5 Mauro Castiglioni Bulldogs Vicenza 90
6 Agirmo Roberto Venice Mestre 75
7 Squad Alberto Mestre Venice 75
8 Righetto Simone Venice Mestre 73
9 Bernardi Daniele Bulldogs Vicenza 65
10 Boscolo Patrick Bulldogs Vicenza 53
11 Billi Alessandro Ferrara SubbitoGol 50
12 Antonio De Rosa Bulldogs Vicenza 45
13 Daniele Della Monaca Serenissima Mestre 38
14 Bobbo Luca SC Venice El Leon 38
15 Michele De Rosa Bulldogs Vicenza 30
16 Soldera Simone Serene Mestre 30
17 Volpi Giovanni Ferrara SubbitoGol 15
18 Zava Edward Bulldogs Vicenza 23
19 Christmas Paul Venice Mestre 23
20 Stringari Enio Venice Mestre 23
21 Pierluigi Bianchi Venice Mestre 23
22 Barbaresco Loris Bulldogs Vicenza 23
23 Diego Cogo Bulldogs Vicenza 15
24 Portesana George SC Venice El Leon 15
25 Lazzari Davide Venice Mestre 15
26 D ' Paolo Ambrosio 8
27 Paolo Gobbo SC Venice El Leon 8
28 Vienna Francis Venice Mestre 8
29 Venzo Andrea Bulldogs Vicenza 8
30 Carretta Louis Bullodgs Vicenza 8
31 Michele Serafini SC Venice El Leon 8

Monday, January 17, 2011

Better Program Than Creative Centrale

The Man Who Planted Trees

Jean Giono, French, born into a family of Italian origin in Provence, Manosque 30 here in March 1895 and died there October 9, 1970. He lived most of his life always in his homeland. This
his short story is a small modern fairy tale written in 1953. The story says, in one breath, in one evening. With tones of a watercolor expressionist, has the power of a great adventure epic. A great little business done by a little big man, simple and illiterate, which makes it green and fertile land before a barren and desolate. This story helps us to regain confidence and the courage it takes to face the difficulties of daily life. It turns out the knowledge that ... if you like, you can do.
Just a little, just a gesture which contains all the love for nature, the earth and the world.
With the simplicity of a small gesture.
Sow a seed.

Forty some years ago, I was taking a long walk, including tops absolutely unknown to tourists in that ancient region of Provence-Alpes penetrating.
This region is bounded on the south-east and south by the middle course of the Durance, between Sisteron and Mirabeau; north from the upper reaches of the Drôme, from the spring to Die, to the west from the plains of Comtat Venaissin and the foothills of Mount Ventoux. It includes all the northern part of the department of Basse Alps, south of Drome and a small enclave of Vaucluse.

It was when I undertook the long walk in the desert of bare and monotonous lands, including milledue and thirteen hundred feet high. The only vegetation that grew there was the wild lavender.

through the region to its maximum width, and after three days of walking, I found myself in the midst of unparalleled desolation. I accampai next to the skeleton of an abandoned village. I had no more water the day before and I need to find. Quell'agglomerato of houses, although in ruins, like an old hive, made me think that there must have been, once a source or a well. There was indeed a spring, but dry. The five or six houses, roofless, eroded by wind and rain, and the small chapel with a bell tower collapsed were arranged as the houses and chapels in the villages inhabited, but life was gone.

was a beautiful June day very sunny, but on those lands without shelter high in the sky, the wind blew with unendurable brutality. His roars in the carcasses of the houses were those of a beast molested during the meal.

had to resume the march. Five hours later I had not found water, and nothing gave me hope to find. Everywhere the same dryness, the same woody weeds. I seemed to see in the distance a small black silhouette, standing. I took her to the trunk of a solitary tree. Anyway I went. He was a pastor. Thirty sheep lying on the ground burning rested beside him.

made me drink from his water bottle and a little later, took me into his fold, in a ripple of the plateau. Pulled up the water, excellent, from a natural hole, very deep, over which he had installed a rudimentary windlass.

The man spoke little, as is the nature of the lonely, but I felt self-assured and confident in the security. It was an unusual presence in the region stripped of everything. Not lived in a hut but in a real house of stone, and it was clear as his own work had patched the ruin he had found on his arrival. The roof was solid and tin. The wind was pounding on the roof the sound of the sea on the beach.

The house was in order, the dishes washed, the wooden floor swept, his rifle greased, the soup was boiling on the fire. I noticed that the man was clean-shaven, that all his buttons were solidly sewn, that his clothes were mended with the meticulous care that makes the mending invisible.

shared with me the soup, and when I offered him his tobacco pouch, he replied that he did not smoke. His dog, as silent as he was affectionate without meanness.

He had been immediately understood that I would spend the night with him, the closest village was more than a day and a half walk. And, moreover, knew perfectly the nature of the rare villages of that region. There are four or five scattered far from each other on the slopes of those peaks, forests of oak trees at the bottom end of driveways.

are inhabited by woodcutters who produce charcoal. They are places where people live poorly. Families, tight against each other in this climate of excessive roughness, summer and winter, exacerbate their own selfishness in a vacuum. The ambition is developed without unreasonable extent, the desire to escape those places.

The men carry the coal into the city by truck, then come back. The strongest quality creak under this perpetual Scottish shower. Women smoldering resentments. There is competition over everything, for the sale of coal as the pew, to the virtues that are fighting each other, for the vices fight amongst themselves and for the mixture of vices and virtues without respite. S more, as the wind constantly irritates the nerves. There are epidemics of suicides and numerous cases of insanity, almost always murderous.

The pastor who did not smoke got a lot on the table and poured a pile of acorns. He began to examine them one after the other with great care, separating the good from the faulty. I used to smoke his pipe. I proposed to him to help him. He replied that it was his business. Indeed, given the care he put into that job, did not insist. It was our whole conversation. When he stood on the side of good is a pretty big pile of acorns, the uniforms in piles of ten. In so doing eliminate even the small fruits or those slightly cracked, as li esaminava molto da vicino. Quando infine ebbe davanti a sé cento ghiande perfette, si fermò e andammo a dormire.

La società di quell’uomo dava pace. Gli domandai l’indomani il permesso di riposarmi per l’intera giornata da lui. Lo trovò del tutto naturale o, più esattamente, mi diede l’impressione che nulla potesse disturbarlo. Quel riposo non mi era affatto necessario, ma ero intrigato e ne volevo sapere di più. Il pastore fece uscire il suo gregge e lo portò al pascolo. Prima di uscire, bagnò in un secchio d’acqua il sacco in cui aveva messo le ghiande meticolosamente scelte e contate.

Notai che in guisa di bastone portava un’asta di ferro della grossezza of an inch long and one meter and a half. I did want to show off for a walk and followed a road parallel to his. The grazing of cattle was an endorsement. He left the small dog guarding the flock and climbed toward me. I was afraid it came to reproach me for my indiscretion, but not at all, that was the way he had to do em'invitò to accompany him if I had not better. He went two hundred yards from there, further upstream. Arrived where he wanted, he began to pitch his iron rod into the ground. It was so deposited as a hole in an acorn, whereupon turava the hole again. Planted oaks. I asked him if that land belonged to him. I said no. He knew who he was? He did not know. Supposed it was a communal land, or perhaps owned by people who did not care? He did not care to know the owners. So he planted a hundred acorns with great care.

After the midday meal began to choose the acorns. I put, I believe, enough insistence into my questions, because he answered. For three years they planted trees in the solitude. He had planted one hundred thousand. A hundred thousand, it had erupted twenty thousand. Of those twenty thousand, had yet to lose a half, because of rodents or all that is unpredictable in the designs of Providence. That left ten thousand oaks that would grow in this place where before there was nothing.

It was at that moment that I age became interested in the man. He was clearly more than fifty years. Fifty-five, he told me. His name Elzéard Bouffier. He owned a farm on the plains. He had lived his life.

He had lost his only son, then his wife. He had withdrawn into solitude, where he found pleasure in living slowly, with the sheep and dog. He had thought that the country would die for lack of trees. He added that by failing to engage in any occupation more important, he had resolved to remedy this state of affairs.

Since I was leading at that time, despite his young age, a solitary life, I knew I gently touch the soul of the lonely. However, I committed an error. My young age, in fact, led me to imagine the future in terms of myself and what a certain search for happiness. I said that within thirty years than ten thousand oaks would be magnificent. He replied with great simplicity that if God had lent her life, within thirty years that would have planted many more than ten thousand would be like a drop in the ocean.

were studying, on the other hand, the reproduction of beech trees near the house and had a nursery generated from beechnuts. The subjects, who had protected from the sheep with a barrier of wire mesh, were of great beauty. He also thought the birch trees on land where I said, some moisture was sleeping a few feet from the soil surface.

We parted the next day.

The following year there was the war of '14, I engaged for five years. An infantryman could not think of the trees. Actually, the thing I was not impressed either, I had regarded as a hobby, a stamp collection, and forgotten.

After the war I found myself with an allowance of leave tiny but with a great desire to breathe a little fresh air. Without preconceived notions, then, except that, taken the road of those lands deserted.

The country had changed. However, beyond the village left, I saw in the distance a sort of gray fog that covered the mountains like a carpet. I had recovered from the eve to think that the shepherd who planted trees. Ten thousand oaks, I thought, really occupy a large space.

I had seen too many people die in five years not to imagine easily the death of Elzéard Bouffier, the more so when he was twenty, fifty people are considered as of old in which there is only so much. He was not dead. The were only four sheep but, in return, had a hundred hives. He had got rid of the beasts which endangered his trees. Why, I said (and constatai), had not cared at all the war. He continued to plant unabashedly.

The oaks of 1910 were now ten years old and were taller than me and him. The show was impressive. I was literally speechless and, because he could not speak, we spent the whole day walking in silence to his forest. Measured in three sections, eleven kilometers at its maximum length. If you kept in mind that it was all sprung from the hands and soul of that man, without technical means, you understand how men could be as effective as God in other fields as well as destruction.

He followed his idea, and the beeches that reached me at the back, around the eye, they were the test. The oaks were thick and had passed the age where they could be at the mercy of rodents; as to the designs of Providence itself to destroy the work created, should have been used to cyclones. Bouffier showed me the wonderful groves of birch trees going back five years earlier, ie 1915, the time when I was fighting at Verdun. He had planted in all areas where suspected, rightly, that there was moisture almost at ground level. Keep them as teenagers and were very determined.

The process seemed, on the other hand, working in the chain. He did not care; doggedly pursued its task very simple. But, back down to the village, I saw water flowing in streams that, within living memory, had always been dry. It was the most exciting form of reaction I ever got to see. Those streams of water had already led, in ancient times. Some of the villages

sad that I mentioned at the beginning of my story was built on sites of ancient Gallo-Roman villages, of which there were still vestiges in which archaeologists had dug in places where finding love in the twentieth century were forced to resort to tanks to get a bit 'of water.

The wind scattered some seeds. With water were also reappeared willows, rushes, meadows, gardens, flowers and some reason to live.

But the transformation took place so slowly entering into the habit without causing surprise. The hunters who climbed in those solitudes following the hares or wild boars had noticed the vigor of trees, but they had reckoned the earth's natural malice. Therefore, no one disturbed the work of man. If they had suspected, would have prevented. It was unexpected. Who could have imagined, in the villages and government, such an obstinacy in the most magnificent generosity?

Since 1920 I have never spent more than a year without going to find Elzéard Bouffier. I've never seen nor give doubt. Yet, God only knows it put to the test! I did not do account for its disappointments. It 'easy to imagine, however, that such a success, it was necessary to overcome adversity, to ensure the victory of passion, it was necessary to combat the discomfort. Bouffier had planted a year, more than ten thousand maples. All died. The year after he left the maples that were able to resume the beeches still better than the oaks.

To get a better idea of \u200b\u200bthat exceptional character, one must not forget that worked in total solitude, to the point that towards the end of their lives, had entirely lost the habit of talking. Or, perhaps, did not see the need.

In 1933 he received the visit of an astonished forest ranger. The officer ordered him orders not to light fires outdoors, not to impair the growth of the natural forest. It was the first time, naive man told him that he saw a forest growing out of its own. At that time Bouffier was going to plant beeches at twelve miles from home. To prevent the outward journey and return, as had been seventy-five, was considering the possibility of building a stone hut on the spot where they planted. What did the following year.

In 1935 a real government delegation was to examine the natural forest. There was a big piece of Waters and Forests, a deputy, technicians. It was decided to do something and, fortunately, nothing was done except the only useful thing: bringing the forest under the protection of state and forbid that people should come to make charcoal. Because it was impossible not to be enthralled by the beauty of those young trees in full health. He exercised his powers of seduction even the deputy. A captain

forest my friend was part of the delegation. I explained the mystery. One day the following week we went together to seek Elzéard Bouffier. We found him hard at work, twenty kilometers from where the inspection had taken place. That captain

forest My friend was not at all. He knew the value of things. He was able to remain silent. I offered the eggs I had brought a gift. We shared our meal in three and stayed a few hours in silent contemplation of the landscape.

The coast that we had covered was covered with trees ranging from six to eight feet tall. I remembered the look of the land in 1913, the desert ... The work calm and smooth, the air live on the high seas, frugality, and above all the soul's serenity had given the old man a health almost solemn. He was an athlete of God I wonder how many more hectares of trees would have covered.

Before leaving my friend ventured only a few suggestions about certain species to which the ground seemed to fit. He did not insist. "For the simple reason," he explained later, "that the gentleman knows more than me." After an hour of walking, after the idea had progressed in him, he added: "He knows more than anyone. He found a nice way to be happy. "

E 'with the captain that not only the forest but also the happiness of man, were protected. He appointed three forest guards for the protection and terrified to the point that remained impervious to bribes offered by loggers.

The work runs a serious risk only during the War of 1939. Why cars then went with the pellet, there was never enough wood. They began to cut the oaks of 1910, but the area was so far away from all the road networks, the company revealed in terms of financial bankruptcy. Was abandoned. The shepherd had seen nothing. He was thirty kilometers away, peacefully continuing his work, ignoring the war of '39 as he had ignored that of '14.

I saw Elzéard Bouffier for the last time in June 1945. He eighty-seven years. I took the road of the desert but now, despite the ruin that the war had left the country, there was a bus that was on duty between the valley of the Durance and the mountain. I put in the account that relatively rapid means of transport that did not recognize the places most of my first outings. I also thought that the route would make me go to new places. I need the name of a village to conclude that instead I was just in that area once in ruins and desolate. The bus took me to Vergons.

In 1913 the population of a dozen houses had three inhabitants. They were wild, hated, lived on fishing, trapping, more or less were in the physical and moral state of prehistoric man. The nettles devoured the abandoned houses around them.

Their condition was hopeless. They had nothing to do but wait for death: situation that has no virtue.

Now everything had changed. The air itself. Instead of the dry and brutal storms that I had taken a time, blowing a gentle breeze full of smells. A noise similar to that of water came from the top of the mountains: it was the wind in the forest. Finally, and most surprisingly, I heard the true sound of water pouring into a tub. I saw that they had built a fountain, the water was plentiful there, and what particularly moved me, I saw that next to it had planted a linden tree of perhaps four years, already full, incontestable symbol of resurrection. In general

Vergons bore the marks of a work for which the company was required hope. The hope was back then. They had cleared the ruins, knocked down the walls collapsed and rebuilt five houses. The village now had eighteen people, including four young families. The new houses, freshly plastered, were surrounded by gardens where they grow, but mixed aligned, vegetables and flowers, cabbages and roses, leeks and snapdragons, celery and anemones. It was now a place where you wanted to live.

From there I went on foot. The war from which we had just left had not enabled the full bloom of life, but Lazarus was risen from the grave now. On the lower slopes of the mountain, I saw small fields of barley and rye grass in the bottom of narrow valleys, some verdant meadow.

It took eight years that separate us from that time because the whole area of \u200b\u200bhealth and happiness shine. Where in 1913 I saw only ruins now stand farms clean, well-rendered, which show a happy and comfortable life. The old sources, fed by rains and snows that the forest view, have begun to flow. The waters were channeled. Beside each farm, amid groves of maples, the pools of fountains allow overflow water on a carpet of mint. The villages are rebuilt gradually. Population coming from the plains, where land is expensive, it was established here, bringing youth, motion, spirit of adventure. They meet on the streets men and women well-fed boys and girls who know how to laugh and have taken the taste for field parties.

If you count the former population, unrecognizable from when it lives in harmony, and the newcomers, more than ten thousand people owe their happiness to Elzéard Bouffier.

When I think that one man, reduced to their simple physical and moral resources, was enough to make out of this desert land of Canaan, I find that, despite everything, the human condition is admirable. But if I put in as it took into account the constancy in the greatness of soul ed'accanimento generosity to achieve this, the soul of me is filled with enormous respect for the old contadino senza cultura che ha saputo portare a buon fine un’opera degna di Dio.

Elzéard Bouffier è morto serenamente nel 1947, all’ospizio di Banon.