Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Skin Dark After Hydroquinone
E 'came the official: it will be' Stradivari Cremona SC to host and organize the 19 and 20 February 2011, the inter-phase NORTH D Series this season. Ben 3 Venetian will participate in the event: Bulldogs Vicenza, Venice Mestre and El Leon Venice, Mestre with the big favorites to not only access to the final in Rome but also to promote in the C series of promotional however, will have to win on the green cloth.
Veneto there and after years of anonymity, this is already a huge success!
Monday, December 20, 2010
What Do I Use To Build A Floor In A 14 Foot Boat
gates, burglar alarms, guard dogs, patrol, police, cameras are not enough. Why? Many
if they ask for and many are looking for an answer.
the basis of "security" there are feelings.
E 'feeling that determines our actions and that takes precedence over rationality.
article published today in the local newspaper, I read that you need the "pact of the nearby" to stop the crime. The article is interesting and, in fact, I think he is also right. A "pact" between neighbors could be one of the best answers that I think have been made so far. This article, however, brings forth some questions to me so I will try to answer, and if you want, also try to put into practice.
How do you create a "pact" between neighbors?
With the "social cohesion".
And what can be la “coesione sociale”?
La “coesione sociale” è partecipare attivamente insieme alla vita pubblica.
La “coesione sociale” è godere di un equo accesso ai beni e servizi pubblici e ad una equa distribuzione del reddito e della ricchezza.
La “coesione sociale” è saper riconoscere e tollerare le differenze.
Alcune cose dipendono da noi stessi, altre no.
Nessuno potrà mai creare la fiducia e la sicurezza partendo dal nulla.
Ci sono situazione e fenomeni che incidono sulle nostre condizioni di vita, sul nostro “stile di vita”: le cause possono essere la perdita o la violazione di un diritto o di un interesse legittimo.
The structure and composition of society, the social and demographic change, the media (TV, newspapers, internet, etc..) Can destroy trust and create fear, but can also create the opposite effect.
The feeling of more or less "security" is linked to the possibility that we make progress and achieve full development, reaching our daily well-being.
security also depends on government action (the central government, local government and security policies and prevention) and private key that can expand or collapse our rights and legitimate interests.
Creating opportunities or meet the needs created the "social cohesion".
are basically three areas where the feeling takes the form of "security" means any place where we live (classification of spaces, quality of public spaces and private services, maintenance ...), relations social (prevention policies and inclusion, strengthening of networks ...), relations with government and private (creating opportunities, provision of services ...)
With the decay and loss of social cohesion , which consists of networks of trust, solidarity and participation generates insecurity.
To create the "security" people must share a sense of belonging, inclusion and participation in social life.
Participation, however, presupposes the "sacrifices" as - for example - the ability to understand and tolerate those who think like us.
from "the province Pavese" of December 20, 2010
San Genesio. The Pact neighbors to stop the thieves
not enough dogs, alarms, window bars. It can serve as the eyes of someone on the other side of the fence.
Jenesien. Thieves, a nightmare, take the covenant of the neighbors. Are not enough dogs, alarms, window bars. It can serve as the eyes of someone on the other side of the fence. In just over a month, a dozen robberies (and attempted theft), divided for three-four countries (Borgarello, Charterhouse, St. Genesius).
Via Di Vittorio, San Genesio, participates with three hits and scored as many tries. The thieves, as happened in the districts of Pavia (St Peter Pavia West Valley) come in waves. They target an area and go through systematically impudence. E 'success in the process of Vittorio, townhouses. Sort and many with Christmas decorations. Quiet neighborhood. Attractive port of call for the thieves. "They arrived at the same time, shortly after the 18 'provides one of the robbed in the area. "True, I arrived at 18.10 - adds Marco Bonato, visited another of Via Di Vittorio - empty house. The alarm is sounded. My wife is back and perhaps led them to flee. " There was also a dog in garden of the villa. The dogs do not bark when the robbers arrive? Turn them a voice narcotizzino. "But no, my poor barked how. They also heard - adds Mr. Bonato - then the thieves have tried to stun him. They've pulled a pot head. At that point, the frightened little animal hid. " No mercy. Other than spray drugged, pot shots in the head. A house Bonato thieves came to the foreground. With a kick broke down the doors and searched the room until ready to be put to flight by the return of the owner. Same story in other homes attacked. At the same time, shortly after sunset. But how do they affect the knowledge that the house is empty?
«In paese - racconta un altro derubato nei mesi scorsi del paese - hanno visto una Bmw che andava avanti e indietro. Qui ci si conosce tutti. Proviamo a difenderci guardando meglio a cosa accade». Ecco così il patto dei vicini. In via Di Vittorio un allarme che suona non è più per un guasto, è meglio verificare subito.
Se un cane abbaia più forte del solito, è meglio gettare un occhio. Intanto allarmi più sofisticati e inferriate più solide (ma in un caso le hanno scardinate). Costano 1500 euro per portafinestra da proteggere. Presto fatto il conto. In una villetta per chiudere quattro ingressi servono 6mila euro. Senza contare le finestre. Anche i sistemi d'allarme sembrano non essere più sufficienti. In fact, at least in San Genesio, the robbers continued to act despite the siren sounded. What makes the difference is someone going to check the alarm because of nearby fire. Here is the deal of the neighbors, to give themselves a hand.
(Fabrizio Guerrini)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
New Bumps After Permethrin
Continued growth of calcium table in the Veneto region and especially in lagoon at Venice Mestre now joins the ' ASD Subbuteo Club Venice "El Leon" George Portesana.
It seems not all: in 2011 it could be (re) birth to something even in Treviso ...
Friday, December 10, 2010
Closet Rods For Slanted Walls
Sunday, December 5, in the parish church of San Michele Arcangelo in Torre del Mangia (Certosa di Pavia) the College of Music, Italian music ensemble directed by M. Adriano Gaglianello, did live notes of Mozart, Albinoni, and Caldara. The evening's program included only sacred compositions of the three authors.
The theme of the evening stato incentrato sull'influenza che la musica italiana, e in particolare quella di Antonio Caldara (Venezia 1670 - Vienna 1736), ha determinato sullo stile musicale austriaco e sul repertorio sacro di W. A. Mozart (1756-1791). Antonio Caldara fu un compositore molto prolifico: circa 3500 opere musicali per il teatro, oratori, pezzi sacri e scritture cameristiche. Lavorò prima alla corte dell'ultimo Duca di Mantova, poi a Barcellona da Re Carlo III (poi diventato imperatore), a Roma maestro di cappella del principe Ruspoli (dove conobbe Händel e la famiglia Scarlatti), ed infine a Vienna dove fu la personalità più ricca attiva nelle prime decadi del Settecento. Fu Caldara a terminare il periodo di supremazia italiana (e veneta) nel Baroque musical theater. In Vienna, where he spent the rest of his life until his death, which gave proof of great creativity. Compose for the Archbishop of Salzburg plays in each year from 1716 to 1726. This work has the characteristic of being always new pieces, they were not easy to adjust the work already represented earlier in Vienna. This enormous effort of composition did not escape the attention of Mozart, as he writes in letters, shows a particular interest in new products that Caldara was introduced. The Venetian composer indeed innovated contrapuntal style with themes inspired by Corelli and Pergolesi and arias and popular songs. Caldara centralizes the importance of the orchestra, presente sia in ritornelli strumentali, in sé conclusi, sia nella sinfonia d'apertura che si caratterizzano spesso con la presenza di brani di recitativo strumentale espressi da strumenti solisti, seguendo il gusto molto amato a Venezia. L'influenza che il compositore veneto ha determinato nel panorama musicale austriaco, la si ritrova nelle opere sacre di Mozart, nelle quali si possono ascoltare alcune vere e proprie citazioni delle opere del Caldara.
Il grande patrimonio musicale che ci ha lasciato si compone di una grande quantità di opere di vario genere: melodrammi, serenate, feste teatrali, componimenti da camera, oratori sacri. Circa 50 messe, un numero imprecisato di mottetti (almeno 200), cantate sacre e circa 300 cantate profane a solo voice and continuo. Many sing in two voices, about 500 charges, more than 40 madrigals, instrumental music varies. 2 books of musical fun for the country, Septetto for strings, 6 string quartets, 4 volumes of compositions for harpsichord, 23 joints with variation, Capriccio, Arpeggio, Proba organ; 8 sonatas for violin and bass, 7 to 3 sonatas for 2 violins and bass , 2 even with clarinets. Two songs to listen: La Clemenza di Tito with a libretto by Metastasio and Magdalene at the feet of Christ.
The music and choral singing, in a specific context, creates a new dimension to the sites. The atmosphere that was created Sunday night at church was full of spirituality, very intense and engaging, which is not in the concert halls. It 's really a pity, perhaps because of the snowstorm, there was a greater audience participation. A Certosa di Pavia is not often attend performances and the like, personally, I hope we can resubmit in the future such an opportunity.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Ovarian Cancercomments
In these recent times there has been much talk of the Certosa di Pavia. Now looks like a swollen river, at least in the columns of newspapers. Reading the news in the papers you find that there are many admirers of the history of Pavia, prolific source of news and curiosity.
As noted in previous posts, with the 'George Boatti article of November 28, 2010 proves that our reality today is the result of intricate events that happened in the past.
In all periods of history, inevitably, there are secrets and mysteries that perhaps will never be revealed. In this post I gather the support of a passionate reader who, stimulated by the reading of that article on George Boatti provicia Pavese, was inspired to write an interesting letter to your newspaper about an intricate puzzle. The story is intriguing and it will, in future, add more details to these mysteries.
The "snake" Visconti |
Giancarlo Mainardi (Pavia) the Province of Pavia December 2, 2010
Very interesting article by George Boatti our Certosa and Gian Galeazzo, Duke of Milan and lord of Pavia. As you may know, the story is also made against history, or of facts kept secret at the time, hidden behind a screen, and emerged several decades or centuries after the events. Thus the chronicles tell us that Gian Galeazzo took refuge in the castle of Melegnano to escape the contagion of the plague, but despite the different treatment where he died in September 1402. The body had become infected and caution the funeral was celebrated in the cathedral of Milan with the body absent. The fear was great, and pray in front of a plague-stricken corpse, and also discover how they used at the time, was considered dangerous thing for the faithful and especially for the noble gentlemen who have come from everywhere. And from here on out the story turns into a gossip secrets from notes because of a couple of monks, then taken up by historians and Giacinto Romano Pavia Bernardino Corio, it seems that the Duke's body was secretly cremated and the rich coffin wood and bronze was placed a corpse is not infected by an unknown Pavia died in those days. Very few were aware of the secret and now sealed the coffin was moved for a short time in St. Peter's Ciel d'Oro and then be buried in the beautiful marble tomb in the Certosa. So is he or is not he? We do not know ... If we give credit to the notes of the monks living at the time, not him, but even so, I believe now that it no longer matters to anyone. Do you still follow the thinking of the library Boatti Visconti and on a possible digitization project. Wonderful idea, after two centuries at least we could get back into an image that treasure of knowledge that Napoleon stole it in 1796. From that predation was saved only one volume: a hand-annotated by Petrarch Virgilio, randomly deposited in the house of a bunting, Messer Fulvio Orsino, and then bought by Cardinal Borromeo and entrusted to the Biblioteca Ambrosiana. The fate of the volume was probably unlucky ripredato ended by Napoleon in the National Library in Paris, where the precious tie velvet and silver was replaced by another blue leather with a big N on his forehead. After tight diplomatic contacts we were only returned in 1815 and is still visible in the Ambrosiana. For the rest of the library but the French have always responded that "they are spoils of war e. .. Therefore, we keep them. " Well, Vive la France ... In tiny, of course.
Littlestpetshop Login
When I started writing on this blog, I set out to look for lesser-known historical information to those who are regularly on the books of history and geography that describe the church, the cloister and the art of the Certosa di Pavia.
One thing is the description of places, it is quite another to reflect on aspects of, say, "boundary" related to these major works of the past. It 's interesting to analyze the social and economic events that have helped build our reality, including the complex issues and events that we now have to solve when we address the issue of "preservation" of our priceless historical and artistic heritage.
This is interesting reading the article, signed by George Boatti, published in the Province Pavese of Sunday, November 28, 2010.
The modern "reinterpretation" of the historic Battle of Pavia in 1525 (San Genesio - September 2008) |
That bad idea to Gian Galeazzo
If the time machine could take us back back a few centuries, we should say, to Gian Galeazzo Visconti - Count of Virtue (from Vertus, a town in Champagne, which is brought as a dowry by Isabella of Valois), Duke of Milan, lord of Pavia and a few dozen other cities scattered between the northern and central peninsula - which to erect as his final resting the Certosa was a bad idea.
Okay, Galeazzo thought in large and had the "disease of the brick." Like all masters of the Alfa Romeo - who was then a symbol of the Visconti and strange paradoxes, however, still seems to accompany those from Milan does not give up his possessions spread over every horizon - not even the media was careful to underline their supremacy over all . Gian Galeazzo before putting his hand to the Certosa, mobilizing the best of the artists available at the time, had made his home in Pavia the most magnificent princely residence in Europe. With a library, then dispersed outward, which had an enchanted as Petrarch, who, as in books, something he knew. All this had taken place within the walls of the castle of Pavia, built by his father in a few years, thanks to a futuristic building technique. What? One for which, if the builders did not comply with the timetable of work, or do not execute them to perfection, with the closest collaborators ended up hanging from a noose tied to the scaffolding. A solution that, if he were still in force today, decorating the facade of the famous hanging Broletto of Pavia, in constant renovation for years. Or the endless construction site of the former monastery of Santa Chiara, on the next twenty years the town library of Pavia. Or many other works started and never finished. And penalized by the lack of sensible infrastructure maintenance. However, in addition ad alloggiare bene, Gian Galeazzo voleva anche che la propria anima fosse adeguatamente accudita. Da lì l’idea della Certosa e dei santi monaci che avrebbero dovuto pregare per lui, e per tutta la sua famiglia, in quel monumento che è diventato uno dei simboli significativi della stessa civiltà lombarda. Una presenza d’arte e bellezza che richiama ancora oggi tantissimi visitatori (e la prima cosa seria, per provvedere a un realistico piano di rilancio turistico e culturale del territorio imperniato sulla Certosa, sarebbe verificare il loro numero. Smetterla di sparare dati a casaccio). Di certo i visitatori sono tanti. Vengono. Visitano. Vanno. E non lasciano nulla, o quasi nulla, al Comune di Certosa. Alla vicina Pavia. Al surrounding area, namely that park Visconti now seems only a succession of passes and various settlements but where there is still a farm Repenti who was the pivot of the battle of Pavia in 1525, that he fell captive King Francis I, delivering the supremacy of Europe to Spain for a while 'for years. Shortly before, there is also the castle where, following the example of Vigevano "Leonardo Project," is not impossible, using digital technology available today, reviving the splendid library Visconti scattered all round the courts of Europe and which in time became dream Petrarca. Of course, the Chartreuse is a symbol for consideration. He says Councillor for Culture of the City of Charterhouse and he's right. The Charterhouse - if you suffer and not be transformed into a dynamic asset management, part of a wider consultation recovery - is a weight, adding the mayor, gives more negative charges honors. Perhaps it would be better not these whining and the Call (even compared to the provincial Tourism alderman that perhaps the only exception in the status quo of the junta Poma, does not give up stubborn to do everything possible to revive this area). Once, when Pavia was a well-established regional headquarters in the province and encouraging more active game team to exploit opportunities in this situation would have organized a "table land" on their own strengths and weaknesses represented by Charterhouse. It would be called in to local authorities, public administrations, universities and private operators and, why not, and maybe even the holy monks of the diocese. All of initiatives to develop a scenario where the monument built by Gian Galeazzo and cultural tourist offer of Pavia, the vacuum of disclosure around the Battle of Pavia and the need to return the Charterhouse not only a popular art but also button, a spiritual center, would be essential points of departure. It 'too much to ask that - instead di procedere per polemiche e lamentazioni - si prenda questa strada? Di tempo se n’è perso parecchio. Per fortuna che Galeazzo riposa per sempre nel suo sacello. Altrimenti - vista la fallimentare tabella di marcia e le inadempienze di tutti - lungo la strada da Certosa a Pavia non mancherebbero penzolanti “testimonial” degli errori compiuti. Oscillanti nella bruma di un inverno che, per la Certosa e Pavia, non è mai riuscito a sbocciare in una convincente e generosa primavera.
Giorgio Boatti
Monday, November 29, 2010
Can You Install Fsx On Different Comps
In questi ultimi mesi ci sono molti che si stanno interessando alla situazione del Monumento della Certosa di Pavia.
Personalmente penso che molti lo facciano anche con "secondi" purposes. I think of those who, today, launches accusations right and left your mouth full of claims and complaints for people like me who was born nearby and knows these places for more than 40 years, to say the least biased and specious.
I was 15 years (This is referred to almost 35 years ago) and here he married my aunt, in the chapel of the monument. The parking lot was the same as today. Always lined the parking lot was so and the current state is not due to recent neglect. Today we are more demanding, perhaps. The new car, built 10 years ago, is not used because we have all become lazy. If we are unable to park our car, maybe at the front door and a covered car park we complain.
Monks have always been the only ciceroni the monastery. The beauty of the Certosa di Pavia is it. If someone wants to Disneyland, maybe did not understand the spirit and mystique of these places. It goes well in other monasteries, the most technologically equipped. Spirituality does not survive and does not eat for comfort. The pilgrimage is also related to the fatigue and suffering.
Everything else is superfluous.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Can I Drive With One License Plate In Ontario
Campaign to Samperone |
Monday, November 15, 2010
Reflector Telescopes Inverted
E 'Edoardo Bellotti to dominate in the second leg of the regional circuit Veneto / Trentino Alto Adige table football, held in Vicenza and at the start with 24 players divided into 8 groups of 3. And to think that the Mestre already threatened to quit in the group, aided by a surprise fall in the first match against Treviso Zava, fear and then overcome with a victory in the second game and the outcome of the third match he saw Portesana beat Zava, all with 3 points and goal difference that rewards second and relegates the Venetian in Treviso consolation. In the other group there are no big surprises and good or bad they all are favorites. The second round matches undoubtedly offer good viewing: Boscolo Mastropasqua leads to sudden death, the people of Vicenza and Bernardi Castiglioni battle as always as the Treviso Scola and nuns. In the quarter does not change the music, the spectacle is king. Fireworks from 6 to 3 and Agirmo Mastropasqua, and Righetto Rigon to be placed even after a balanced game with chances on both sides, Scola is proving to be the same day of grace and requires measurement on La Rosa. You get to the semifinals and on paper it looks all decided: Mastropasqua and Bellotto in the final. But while the latter makes his winning against a great Righetto, the first transfer to a focused and fierce Scola: 3 to 2 on the final show! And here's the final: on one hand Scola cargo that arrives at 1000, has won all the matches and even beaten in the semifinals Mastropasqua, Edward other Bellotto, which grows after the initial thrill of playing in the game. The public expects a lot tiratissima e. .. Bellotto and instead focused like never before, made no mistake and capitalize on the first occasion, after a few minutes you are on 3 to 0. Scola tries to recover but the accuracy of the Venetian and perhaps efforts to win access to the final floor plan lead from Treviso to raise the white flag and to lose clarity and conviction but not to stain a tournament played really well.
In consolation games are all pulled and eventually requires more whimsical D'Ambrosio on Treviso Zava.
Mastropasqua - SCOLA 2-3
BELLOTTO E. - Righetti 3-1
BELLOTTO E. - Scola 5-0
This is the table football and is returning to the Veneto.
This regional classification after the second stage.
1 | Bellotto Edoardo | Serenissima Mestre | 150 |
2 | Mastropasqua Alessandro | Serenissima Mestre | 150 |
3 | Scola Andrea | Serenissima Mestre | 120 |
4 | Rigon Dimitri | Bulldogs Vicenza | 100 |
5 | Righetto Simone | Serenissima Mestre | 65 |
6 | Agirmo Roberto | Serenissima Mestre | 60 |
7 | Mauro Castiglioni | Bulldogs Vicenza | 60 |
8 | Alberto La Rosa | Venice Mestre | 60 |
9 | Boscolo Vicenza Patrick | Bulldogs | 45 |
10 | De Antonio Rosa | Bulldogs Vicenza | 30 |
11 | Michele De Rosa | Bulldogs Vicenza | 30 |
12 | Daniele Della Monaca | Venice Mestre | 30 |
13 | Zava Edward | Bulldogs Vicenza | 23 |
14 | Christmas Paul | Venice Mestre | 15 |
15 | Soldera Simone | Venice Mestre | 15 |
16 | Stringari Enio | Venice Mestre | 15 |
17 | Bernardi Daniele | Bulldogs Vicenza | 15 |
18 | Pierluigi Bianchi | Venice Mestre | 15 |
19 | Diego Cogo | Bulldogs Vicenza | 15 |
20 | Portesan Giorgio | SC Venezia El Leon | 15 |
21 | D'Ambrosio Paolo | 8 | |
22 | Bobbo Luca | SC Venezia El Leon | 8 |
23 | Gobbo Paolo | SC Venezia El Leon | 8 |
24 | Barbaresco Loris | Bulldogs Vicenza | 8 |
25 | Vienna Francesco | Serenissima Mestre | 8 |
26 | Venzo Andrea | Bulldogs Vicenza | 8 |
27 | Carretta Louis | Bullodgs Vicenza | 8 |
Monday, October 25, 2010
Avloclor Side Effects
Monday, October 18, 2010
What Happened To Heather Harmon
It concluded with a victory of the strong Alessandro Mastropasqua the first regional tournament this season. The membership of Venice Mestre against all opponents with his class and concrete from first to last challenge, a legitimizing victory predicted by many but always difficult to conquer. Good tournament for Vicenza Dimitri Rigon which comes at the end showing a good game and a great character. Good evidence also semifinalists Edward Bellotto, who is returning to the floor pan important player who was (then walk off with the winner in the semifinals), and Treviso Andrea Scola who gives in to finalist berico only to sudden death after being ahead.
organization and I congratulate all participants for the success of the tournament! Finally, a congratulations to all participants that are sure to have played the best of their ability. The top
regionale dopo la prima tappa.
1 | Mastropasqua Alessandro | Serenissima Mestre | 100 |
2 | Rigon Dimitri | Bulldogs Vicenza | 70 |
3 | Bellotto Edoardo | Serenissima Mestre | 50 |
4 | Scola Andrea | Serenissima Mestre | 50 |
5 | Agirmo Roberto | Venice Mestre | 30 |
6 | Boscolo Vicenza Patrick | Bulldogs | 30 |
7 | Mauro Castiglioni | Bulldogs Vicenza | 30 |
8 | Alberto La Rosa Serene Mestre | 30 | |
9 | Antonio De Rosa | Bulldogs Vicenza | 15 |
10 | Michele De Rosa | Bulldogs Vicenza | 15 |
11 | Daniele Della Monaca | Venice Mestre | 15 |
12 | Christmas Paul | Venice Mestre | 15 |
13 | Righetto Simone | Venice Mestre | 15 |
14 | Soldera Simone | Venice Mestre | 15 |
15 | Stringari Enio | Venice Mestre | 15 |
16 | Zava Edward | Bulldogs Vicenza | 15 |
Friday, September 24, 2010
Klinefelter's Syndrome
Friday, September 10, 2010
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These dates now scheduled for "Regional Circuit Veneto / Trentino Alto Adige"
October 17, 2010 - Vittorio Veneto - Contact Mr. Daniele Della Monaca (SC Venice Mestre)
November 14 2010 - Vicenza - Contact Mr. Mirko Bellotto (ASD Bulldogs Vicenza)
January 16, 2011 - Mestre - Contact Mr. Alberto La Rosa (SC Venice Mestre)
March 6, 2011 - Mestre - Contact Mr. Alberto La Rosa (SC Venice Mestre)
March 20 2011 - Vicenza - Contact Mr. Mirko Bellotto (ASD Bulldogs Vicenza) - SELECTIONS FOR ITALIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS
Friday, September 3, 2010
What Is Open On Christmas In Brampton
E 'with great pleasure that I announce the agreement reached in the evening which led eventually to the unification under the "roof" of ASD Sports Club of the members of SC MESTRE 1973 and of 'ASD SERENISSIMA 90. One year
common experiences we used to know better and to set up a project that aims at bringing the Venetian CDT to prominence on the national scene. The logo
SERENISSIMA MESTRE strongly backed by members of the two clubs, will ensure that nothing that obtained by the two associations (albeit at different times) to be lost.
It is hoped that from now on can only be a great team that knows how to combine the values \u200b\u200bof sport and friendship
that everyone knows and make their contribution, because all you'll need.
The official presentation of the "Serenissima MESTRE The Circle" is scheduled at the club for 8 September but the season has now begun!
A. Squad
President ASD
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Poptropica Accounts That Really Work
E ' Daniel Pochesci to win the title of 2010 champions Italy in the category table football open winning in the final 2 to 1 on the always strong Massimo Bolognini. In
veteran has the best Emilio Richichi measuring up Mauro Manganello.
After a game full of goals, 5 to 3, the final result, Mattia Bellotti won the under-19 title on Simone Palmieri. In
' under 15 Michael Caviglia 4 to 1 to get rid of Luke Baptist, while in' Dear Ernesto under 12 has the upper 2 to 1 by Claudio Panebianco. In
female Eleonora Forced with minimum waste always on tricky Valentina Bartolini. In
cadets fought the biggest game in sudden death and ended with the victory of 3 to 2 on Carlo Alessi Gianfranco Mastrantuono.
Players Veneti disfigure not present at the event before any avversario e giocano al massimo delle loro possibilità, pagando in alcuni casi un po' di emozione e in altri un po' di ruggine.
Questi i risultati dei ns portacolori:
Mastropasqua - Calonico 0 - 3
Mastropasqua - Silveri 4 - 0
Mastropasqua - Croatti 0 - 2
Mastropasqua - Di Pierro 4 - 1
Mastropasqua - Gentile 1 - 2
Mastropasqua - Stoto 3 - 1
Mastropasqua - Giannarelli 3 - 0
Bellotto - Fedele 0 - 0
Bellotto - Bari 0 - 3
Bellotto - Pochesci 1 - 3
Bellotto - De Luca 2 - 0
Bellotto - Lampugnani 0 - 0
Bellotto - Licheri 1 - 2
La Rosa - Pisca 0 - 2
La Rosa - Guercia 3 - 2
La Rosa - Lauretti 1 - 5
La Rosa - Spagnolo 1 - 3
Squad - Riccomagno 0-2
Squad - Scarduelli 5-0 (Table)
Lazzari - Galeazzi 2-3
Lazzari - Baptist 2-1
Lazzari - Finardi 1-2
Lazzari - Dalia 2 - 1
Lazzari - Disciples 1-2
Lazzari - Marinucci 0-5 (Table)
Lazzari - Zaffino 0-5 (Table)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Soling Sail Boat Fopr Sale
Casale Monferrato 15 and 16 May 2010
four players will Veneto to attend the next edition of the Italian championship individual table football, held in Casale Monferrato on 15 and 16 May 2010: In the open category Alessandro Mastropasqua (Serenessima Venice) and Edward Bellotto (Mestre Sports Club), in Alberto La Rosa veteran category (Mestre Sports Club) and David Lazzari (Serenessima Venice). Our four representatives, arising from the regional selections played March 21 in Mestre that, surely sell dearly in what is the most important national individual event, second only to the international world championships, the quantity and quality of players participants. A huge
good luck to our representatives.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
09.00 Meeting point Palexpo in Casale Monferrato
09.30 am Welcome Speech of the city authorities, the leaders of the local and FISCT
to follow Opening Ceremony with choreography by the dance school NADA MAS
hours 10.15 Kick-off Italian Individual Championship and Spring 2010
19.00 End of first day of competition
Sunday, May 16, 2010
09,30 Beginning the second day of competition
16.00 Award Ceremony 2010 champions Italy
Monday, March 22, 2010
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The regional selections Veneto / Trentino Alto Adige for the Italian championships held yesterday, Sunday March 21, 2010, at that Mestre at the sports club, see Alessandro Mastropasqua triumph (Venice Dolo) and Alberto Squad (Sporting Club Mestre). In a climate of absolute sportiness have gathered 20 players, divided into categories, open and veteran, to create a regional selection of years as we have not seen in our region, both for the number of participants to express the level of play . In the category
open at the end of the check Alessandro Mastropasqua, one of the players potentially more whimsical and imaginative entire national circuit, which has the upper hand in the final 4 to 0 of Verona Luca Mancini, able to stop on 0 to 0 in the group stage. Alexander, who qualified third Billi has the best fireworks display with a 5 to 3 the revived Bellotto Edward Green shoes back on after some years of reflection. The category
veteran sees triumph Alberto La Rosa, who also recently returned from the magical tables subbuteo after a period of rest, even here (power of fate?) In the final two players who had started arriving in the same group : Mestre is compared with Lazzari David starts with a slight favor of predictions having won the head to head in the qualifying group, but, you know, the ball is round and the Mestre manages to make his game. Third place another Verona (coincidence?), Marco Mancini, quarto Beltrame Bruno, altro redivivo del panorama veneto.
1° Mastropasqua Alessandro (VE) (Serenissima Dolo)
2° Mancini Luca (VR) (Subbuteisti Modena)
3° Billi Alessandro (RO) (SubbitoGol Ferrara)
4° Bellotto Edoardo (VE) (Circolo Sportivi Mestre)
1° La Rosa Alberto (VE) (Circolo Sportivi Mestre)
2° Lazzari Davide (PD) (Serenissima Dolo)
3° Mancini Marco (VR) (Subbuteisti Modena)
4° Beltrame Bruno (VE) (Circolo Sportivi Mestre)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Jenna Nipple Piercing
Domenica 21 marzo è in programma la selezione regionale Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige in the next championships individali Italian football table. The event will be held at " Sports Club Mestre " site in "Calle Two Doors, 10" in Mestre (VE) beginning at 9:30.
For information about the tournament: Mirko Bellotto 347.94.53.318
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
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In Group 3 of the 2009/2010 series D teams Venetian sell life dearly but are unable to earn the only place available for the final class in Rome. The Bulldogs Vicenza dispute a championship in line with its possibilities and despite losing every game always raises a good impression by making life difficult for opponents. The Sports Club Mestre part touches on his company and I can only comment with the samples are back! " After beating the Bulldogs for the draw and have blocked the favorites Romagna, the yield to Mestre Gorizia and see Rome just soften the wire. A result that still does not obscure the return on even the least drastic coregionali green cloths. Good evidence shows that DLF Gorizia to complete and conclude the round in second place with two wins and one loss behind Lugo with 7 points (victories over Vicenza and Gorizia, draw with Mestre) to pass the capital gains.
Monday, February 15, 2010
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Monday, February 8, 2010
How Quick Anorexia Noticable
Bowman: Piet van Nieuwenhuijzen (NED)
Midbow: Curtis Blewett (CAN)
Pitman: Rodney Ardern (NZL) Trimmer
upwind: Simon Daubney (NZL)
Trimmer downwind: Nils Frei (SUI)
Mainsail Trimmer: Warwick Fleury (NZL)
Traveller: Pierre-Yves Jorand (SUI)
Helmsman: Ernesto Bertarelli (SUI)
Tactician : Brad Butterworth (NZL)
Runner: Murray Jones (NZL)
Navigator: Juan Vila (ESP)
Floaters: Jan Dekker (RSA / FRA)
Floaters: Loïck Peyron (FRA)
Pre-start: Peter Evans (NZL)
Bowman: Brad Webb (NZL
Pitman: Simone de Mari (ITA)
Jib Trimmer: Ross Halcrow (NZL)
Wing Sail trimmer Dirk de Ridder (NED)
Wing Caddy Sail: Joey Netwon (AUS)
Tactician John Kostecki (USA)
Skipper / Helmsman James Spithill (AUS)
Navigator: Matteo Plazzi (ITA)
AFT Pit: Thierry Fouchier (FRA)
Mast: Matt Mason ( NZL)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Welcome Address For School Function

Dopo lunghi mesi trascorsi tra un'aula di tribunale e l'altra domani scatterà l'ora X per la 33 America's Cup.
Monday, February 1, 2010
How To Remove Grenadine From Carpet
I 2 Venetian club football table ASD Bulldogs Vicenza and Mestre Sports Club have been included in the group 3 for the final phase of qualifying at the next National Championship Series D organized by FISCT .
The two teams will face two other teams like Lugo agguerritissime DLF and Roosters Gorizia, all looking for a place in Rome. The four teams will compete in a single round robin in that of Vicenza at the club "Pool Altavilla, home game of the usual red and white. The event is scheduled for Sunday, February 21, 2010 !
The challenge for the only valid place for the finals will be glowing with Lugo Roosters slight favorites on the Sports Club Mestre Gorizia DLF odd man out.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Homemade Walkie Talkie
L ' ACS Perugia won the third edition of the Italian Supercup football table on goal difference by beating F.lli Bari Reggio Emilia
These detail the results of the challenge:
ACS Perugia - F.lli Bari Reggio Emilia (2 * - 2 )
De Francesco - Giulianini 0-1
Belloni - Monica / Lamberti 2-0
Mattiangeli Br - Bari 1-0
S. Good - Flores 1-2
2007-2008 - ACSPerugia 1973 (Eagles vs. Napoli)
2008-2010 - Black & Blue Pisa (vs.ACSPerugia 1973)
2009-2010 - ACSPerugia 1973 (vs. F.lli Bari Reggio Emilia)