When I started writing on this blog, I set out to look for lesser-known historical information to those who are regularly on the books of history and geography that describe the church, the cloister and the art of the Certosa di Pavia.
One thing is the description of places, it is quite another to reflect on aspects of, say, "boundary" related to these major works of the past. It 's interesting to analyze the social and economic events that have helped build our reality, including the complex issues and events that we now have to solve when we address the issue of "preservation" of our priceless historical and artistic heritage.
This is interesting reading the article, signed by George Boatti, published in the Province Pavese of Sunday, November 28, 2010.
The modern "reinterpretation" of the historic Battle of Pavia in 1525 (San Genesio - September 2008) |
That bad idea to Gian Galeazzo
If the time machine could take us back back a few centuries, we should say, to Gian Galeazzo Visconti - Count of Virtue (from Vertus, a town in Champagne, which is brought as a dowry by Isabella of Valois), Duke of Milan, lord of Pavia and a few dozen other cities scattered between the northern and central peninsula - which to erect as his final resting the Certosa was a bad idea.
Okay, Galeazzo thought in large and had the "disease of the brick." Like all masters of the Alfa Romeo - who was then a symbol of the Visconti and strange paradoxes, however, still seems to accompany those from Milan does not give up his possessions spread over every horizon - not even the media was careful to underline their supremacy over all . Gian Galeazzo before putting his hand to the Certosa, mobilizing the best of the artists available at the time, had made his home in Pavia the most magnificent princely residence in Europe. With a library, then dispersed outward, which had an enchanted as Petrarch, who, as in books, something he knew. All this had taken place within the walls of the castle of Pavia, built by his father in a few years, thanks to a futuristic building technique. What? One for which, if the builders did not comply with the timetable of work, or do not execute them to perfection, with the closest collaborators ended up hanging from a noose tied to the scaffolding. A solution that, if he were still in force today, decorating the facade of the famous hanging Broletto of Pavia, in constant renovation for years. Or the endless construction site of the former monastery of Santa Chiara, on the next twenty years the town library of Pavia. Or many other works started and never finished. And penalized by the lack of sensible infrastructure maintenance. However, in addition ad alloggiare bene, Gian Galeazzo voleva anche che la propria anima fosse adeguatamente accudita. Da lì l’idea della Certosa e dei santi monaci che avrebbero dovuto pregare per lui, e per tutta la sua famiglia, in quel monumento che è diventato uno dei simboli significativi della stessa civiltà lombarda. Una presenza d’arte e bellezza che richiama ancora oggi tantissimi visitatori (e la prima cosa seria, per provvedere a un realistico piano di rilancio turistico e culturale del territorio imperniato sulla Certosa, sarebbe verificare il loro numero. Smetterla di sparare dati a casaccio). Di certo i visitatori sono tanti. Vengono. Visitano. Vanno. E non lasciano nulla, o quasi nulla, al Comune di Certosa. Alla vicina Pavia. Al surrounding area, namely that park Visconti now seems only a succession of passes and various settlements but where there is still a farm Repenti who was the pivot of the battle of Pavia in 1525, that he fell captive King Francis I, delivering the supremacy of Europe to Spain for a while 'for years. Shortly before, there is also the castle where, following the example of Vigevano "Leonardo Project," is not impossible, using digital technology available today, reviving the splendid library Visconti scattered all round the courts of Europe and which in time became dream Petrarca. Of course, the Chartreuse is a symbol for consideration. He says Councillor for Culture of the City of Charterhouse and he's right. The Charterhouse - if you suffer and not be transformed into a dynamic asset management, part of a wider consultation recovery - is a weight, adding the mayor, gives more negative charges honors. Perhaps it would be better not these whining and the Call (even compared to the provincial Tourism alderman that perhaps the only exception in the status quo of the junta Poma, does not give up stubborn to do everything possible to revive this area). Once, when Pavia was a well-established regional headquarters in the province and encouraging more active game team to exploit opportunities in this situation would have organized a "table land" on their own strengths and weaknesses represented by Charterhouse. It would be called in to local authorities, public administrations, universities and private operators and, why not, and maybe even the holy monks of the diocese. All of initiatives to develop a scenario where the monument built by Gian Galeazzo and cultural tourist offer of Pavia, the vacuum of disclosure around the Battle of Pavia and the need to return the Charterhouse not only a popular art but also button, a spiritual center, would be essential points of departure. It 'too much to ask that - instead di procedere per polemiche e lamentazioni - si prenda questa strada? Di tempo se n’è perso parecchio. Per fortuna che Galeazzo riposa per sempre nel suo sacello. Altrimenti - vista la fallimentare tabella di marcia e le inadempienze di tutti - lungo la strada da Certosa a Pavia non mancherebbero penzolanti “testimonial” degli errori compiuti. Oscillanti nella bruma di un inverno che, per la Certosa e Pavia, non è mai riuscito a sbocciare in una convincente e generosa primavera.
Giorgio Boatti
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