gates, burglar alarms, guard dogs, patrol, police, cameras are not enough. Why? Many
if they ask for and many are looking for an answer.
the basis of "security" there are feelings.
E 'feeling that determines our actions and that takes precedence over rationality.
article published today in the local newspaper, I read that you need the "pact of the nearby" to stop the crime. The article is interesting and, in fact, I think he is also right. A "pact" between neighbors could be one of the best answers that I think have been made so far. This article, however, brings forth some questions to me so I will try to answer, and if you want, also try to put into practice.
How do you create a "pact" between neighbors?
With the "social cohesion".
And what can be la “coesione sociale”?
La “coesione sociale” è partecipare attivamente insieme alla vita pubblica.
La “coesione sociale” è godere di un equo accesso ai beni e servizi pubblici e ad una equa distribuzione del reddito e della ricchezza.
La “coesione sociale” è saper riconoscere e tollerare le differenze.
Alcune cose dipendono da noi stessi, altre no.
Nessuno potrà mai creare la fiducia e la sicurezza partendo dal nulla.
Ci sono situazione e fenomeni che incidono sulle nostre condizioni di vita, sul nostro “stile di vita”: le cause possono essere la perdita o la violazione di un diritto o di un interesse legittimo.
The structure and composition of society, the social and demographic change, the media (TV, newspapers, internet, etc..) Can destroy trust and create fear, but can also create the opposite effect.
The feeling of more or less "security" is linked to the possibility that we make progress and achieve full development, reaching our daily well-being.
security also depends on government action (the central government, local government and security policies and prevention) and private key that can expand or collapse our rights and legitimate interests.
If we see injustice being done openly, we have in our souls the sense of justice and have the confidence that, consequently, can make us feel safe.
If we have the perception of not being able to protect our rights and unable to meet their own needs, our soul is deprived of security.
All security-related threats have a negative impact on our feelings. Creating opportunities or meet the needs created the "social cohesion".
are basically three areas where the feeling takes the form of "security" means any place where we live (classification of spaces, quality of public spaces and private services, maintenance ...), relations social (prevention policies and inclusion, strengthening of networks ...), relations with government and private (creating opportunities, provision of services ...)
With the decay and loss of social cohesion , which consists of networks of trust, solidarity and participation generates insecurity.
To create the "security" people must share a sense of belonging, inclusion and participation in social life.
Participation, however, presupposes the "sacrifices" as - for example - the ability to understand and tolerate those who think like us.
from "the province Pavese" of December 20, 2010
San Genesio. The Pact neighbors to stop the thieves
not enough dogs, alarms, window bars. It can serve as the eyes of someone on the other side of the fence.
Jenesien. Thieves, a nightmare, take the covenant of the neighbors. Are not enough dogs, alarms, window bars. It can serve as the eyes of someone on the other side of the fence. In just over a month, a dozen robberies (and attempted theft), divided for three-four countries (Borgarello, Charterhouse, St. Genesius).
Via Di Vittorio, San Genesio, participates with three hits and scored as many tries. The thieves, as happened in the districts of Pavia (St Peter Pavia West Valley) come in waves. They target an area and go through systematically impudence. E 'success in the process of Vittorio, townhouses. Sort and many with Christmas decorations. Quiet neighborhood. Attractive port of call for the thieves. "They arrived at the same time, shortly after the 18 'provides one of the robbed in the area. "True, I arrived at 18.10 - adds Marco Bonato, visited another of Via Di Vittorio - empty house. The alarm is sounded. My wife is back and perhaps led them to flee. " There was also a dog in garden of the villa. The dogs do not bark when the robbers arrive? Turn them a voice narcotizzino. "But no, my poor barked how. They also heard - adds Mr. Bonato - then the thieves have tried to stun him. They've pulled a pot head. At that point, the frightened little animal hid. " No mercy. Other than spray drugged, pot shots in the head. A house Bonato thieves came to the foreground. With a kick broke down the doors and searched the room until ready to be put to flight by the return of the owner. Same story in other homes attacked. At the same time, shortly after sunset. But how do they affect the knowledge that the house is empty?
«In paese - racconta un altro derubato nei mesi scorsi del paese - hanno visto una Bmw che andava avanti e indietro. Qui ci si conosce tutti. Proviamo a difenderci guardando meglio a cosa accade». Ecco così il patto dei vicini. In via Di Vittorio un allarme che suona non è più per un guasto, è meglio verificare subito.
Se un cane abbaia più forte del solito, è meglio gettare un occhio. Intanto allarmi più sofisticati e inferriate più solide (ma in un caso le hanno scardinate). Costano 1500 euro per portafinestra da proteggere. Presto fatto il conto. In una villetta per chiudere quattro ingressi servono 6mila euro. Senza contare le finestre. Anche i sistemi d'allarme sembrano non essere più sufficienti. In fact, at least in San Genesio, the robbers continued to act despite the siren sounded. What makes the difference is someone going to check the alarm because of nearby fire. Here is the deal of the neighbors, to give themselves a hand.
(Fabrizio Guerrini)
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