Sunday, December 5, in the parish church of San Michele Arcangelo in Torre del Mangia (Certosa di Pavia) the College of Music, Italian music ensemble directed by M. Adriano Gaglianello, did live notes of Mozart, Albinoni, and Caldara. The evening's program included only sacred compositions of the three authors.
The theme of the evening stato incentrato sull'influenza che la musica italiana, e in particolare quella di Antonio Caldara (Venezia 1670 - Vienna 1736), ha determinato sullo stile musicale austriaco e sul repertorio sacro di W. A. Mozart (1756-1791). Antonio Caldara fu un compositore molto prolifico: circa 3500 opere musicali per il teatro, oratori, pezzi sacri e scritture cameristiche. Lavorò prima alla corte dell'ultimo Duca di Mantova, poi a Barcellona da Re Carlo III (poi diventato imperatore), a Roma maestro di cappella del principe Ruspoli (dove conobbe Händel e la famiglia Scarlatti), ed infine a Vienna dove fu la personalità più ricca attiva nelle prime decadi del Settecento. Fu Caldara a terminare il periodo di supremazia italiana (e veneta) nel Baroque musical theater. In Vienna, where he spent the rest of his life until his death, which gave proof of great creativity. Compose for the Archbishop of Salzburg plays in each year from 1716 to 1726. This work has the characteristic of being always new pieces, they were not easy to adjust the work already represented earlier in Vienna. This enormous effort of composition did not escape the attention of Mozart, as he writes in letters, shows a particular interest in new products that Caldara was introduced. The Venetian composer indeed innovated contrapuntal style with themes inspired by Corelli and Pergolesi and arias and popular songs. Caldara centralizes the importance of the orchestra, presente sia in ritornelli strumentali, in sé conclusi, sia nella sinfonia d'apertura che si caratterizzano spesso con la presenza di brani di recitativo strumentale espressi da strumenti solisti, seguendo il gusto molto amato a Venezia. L'influenza che il compositore veneto ha determinato nel panorama musicale austriaco, la si ritrova nelle opere sacre di Mozart, nelle quali si possono ascoltare alcune vere e proprie citazioni delle opere del Caldara.
Il grande patrimonio musicale che ci ha lasciato si compone di una grande quantità di opere di vario genere: melodrammi, serenate, feste teatrali, componimenti da camera, oratori sacri. Circa 50 messe, un numero imprecisato di mottetti (almeno 200), cantate sacre e circa 300 cantate profane a solo voice and continuo. Many sing in two voices, about 500 charges, more than 40 madrigals, instrumental music varies. 2 books of musical fun for the country, Septetto for strings, 6 string quartets, 4 volumes of compositions for harpsichord, 23 joints with variation, Capriccio, Arpeggio, Proba organ; 8 sonatas for violin and bass, 7 to 3 sonatas for 2 violins and bass , 2 even with clarinets. Two songs to listen: La Clemenza di Tito with a libretto by Metastasio and Magdalene at the feet of Christ.
The music and choral singing, in a specific context, creates a new dimension to the sites. The atmosphere that was created Sunday night at church was full of spirituality, very intense and engaging, which is not in the concert halls. It 's really a pity, perhaps because of the snowstorm, there was a greater audience participation. A Certosa di Pavia is not often attend performances and the like, personally, I hope we can resubmit in the future such an opportunity.
The evening's program:
WA Mozart - Missa in C KV65
four voices, two violins and basso continuo
A. Albinoni - Magnificat
for only choirs, two violins and basso continuo
A. Caldara - Missa in G major
four voices, two violins and basso continuo
WA Mozart - KV109 Litaniae Lauretanae
four voices, two violins and basso continuo
the College Italian Music
Soprani : Teresa Nesci, Laura Lanfranchi
Contralti : Sabrina Pecchenino, Annalisa Mazzoni, Monica Ninghetto
Tenors: Massimo Lombardi, Alessandro Baudino, Claudio Poggi
Netherlands : Dario Previato, Marco Milanesio
Violins : Mauro Massa, Liliana Mijatovic
Cello: Mark Angilella
Institution: Andrea Banaudo
Director: Adriano Gaglianello
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