Who knows, we'll find out only by living.
Today at work I have written this date in my spreadsheet and I read this issue: 11/02/2011. This can also be read on the 11.2.11. Can be considered a given combination of "magic" related to a special event? The ancient superstitions
argued that these days bad, there was a negative of the stars, and a higher concentration of evil on earth. Today we are perhaps more rational and know that it is the man to be the architect of their woes. He said in the last century, more than fifty years ago, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt:
"The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself" .
Technically, these combinations are called "palindrome dates," meaning that can be read in two senses. Nothing more, nothing less.
In other campaign are the most important date. I do not know much about traditions and agricultural calendars. What little I know I owe to my grandparents, from whom I learned some of their invaluable knowledge. I was born in the city and taught me the respect that you need to work the fields. Can not be said to be "greener" and wanted to respect nature if first you do not know the "rules" of the campaign. 'S important is to know and respect nature. Even those who do not live or work the "country", like all humans, they eat fruit. Without knowledge of these things will go on a mess. Recent and now often "environmental disasters", as they are down two drops of water happen because we build houses, roads and bridges without the respect the land deserves. Those who know the land knows.
All of us must also commit to teach our children the "real" value of nature and the effort it takes to cultivate it with love and respect. As I recently told a friend, you must find the knowledge of "the rhythms of nature" ... and plant it once and for all to say foolish things.
Nature must be respected ... whole.
Before knowing the mysteries in store for us on February 11 next year, I note that Sunday, November 28, 2010, in Piazza del Carmine in Pavia, there will be Thanksgiving organized by Coldiretti of Pavia . Here we have the opportunity to meet a "old world", but still alive. A chance to know who produces our food and buy it on the market stalls. It will also be an opportunity to thank those who work the fields that we see from our windows.
Campaign to Samperone |
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