That is a reflection on the "hidden treasures".
The Province Pavia now I read the article on the "treasure" recently restored Pancarana. The author of this fresco is the painter Bernardino Pavia De Rossi. What's special is that it is the artist who painted in Pavia Certosa di Pavia in the period between 1490 and 1510. Here
leave my thoughts. Why, among the many works that are kept here, not long ago - during a special visit to the monument - I could see a "hidden treasure": the gallery called "Novice". Unfortunately, this area of \u200b\u200bthe Certosa di Pavia, situated in the south-facing outside of the great cloister, is not normally open to visitors. Currently. With normal guided by the monks will not get far. But it is right here on this porch wall where it starts, there is a fresco that is very special. Represents a tree and its "branches" are painted many figures of adoring monks. In the sky above the plant, on a cloud, there is the Madonna and Child with Angels around them.
I do not know who the author of this fresco, nor the characters are represented. The badges are a crown - most likely - the coats of arms of families and families linked to the Monastery. Who knows.
Certosa di Pavia - arcade Novice |
's treasure Pancarana - From "La Provincia Pavese" of January 28, 2011
I wonder if Don Pasquale Guerra thought of a miracle, when in 1895 he discovered in his small church near the Po hidden by plaster fragments of paint, perhaps shook the hand, while writing to the Director of Monuments in Turin to inform him of what happened.
Of course the following year the church of St. Peter and Paul Pancarana monument became regional, and in 1907 the priest Domenico Franzosi's successor, Don Pasquale, received the announcement: the most beautiful among those that emerged from the frescoes were painted lime Pavia in 1505 by Bernardino De Rossi, known to art historians to have painted some quarters of the Certosa.
was under thirty years of Don Franzosi fight to get money, that the works were restored before the Second World War as well as episodes from the life of Christ and the saints, the signature was discovered by De Rossi, "B'nardinus De Rubeis.
Pancarana is a village of about three hundred inhabitants, ten miles north of Voghera: dell'Oltrepo an outpost for those who arrive here from Pavia, but he sees the hills on the horizon and the air feeds the river, and the fog that thickens at this time on the fields green and ocher. Today
the keeper of the treasure of the church of St. Peter and Paul (built in '400) is Don Maurizio Ceriani, pastor and scholar of local Casei Gerola.
The first fresco depicting the martyrdom of Saint Agatha shows, due to De Rossi set the adoration of the Magi, the baptism of Jesus and the martyrdom of Saint Lucia (while the other paintings in good condition are likely to have worked the painter's helpers ): "From scenes of martyrdom - Don Maurizio explains - we understand how important it was at that time the role of" wonder-working saints ". A Sant'Agata in Catania were snatched her breasts with tongs hot: thus became the patron saint of mothers breast-feeding. While Saint Lucia, which were gouged out his eyes, he became the patron saint of eyesight. The characters who have suffered a gruesome martyrdom - "Don Maurizio - have given rise over the centuries a great popular excitement, and the believers, in the absence of treatment, they tried to protect them.
With today's science, perhaps these things make us smile, but we think even a hundred years ago than it was a problem, a mother, the lack of milk. Among the frescoes in the church of San Pietro and Paolo Mauro Don points out the signs of the client (a meal): "In the baptism of Jesus - says the pastor - in addition to John the Baptist's St. Peter's impossible, according to the Gospel. But then this church is named after the saint. "
Bernardino De Rossi came to work Pancarana because the church was a dependency of the Certosa. The art historian Louise Grass explains that "the end of '400 and early '500 is a period of great artistic flowering of the territory in Sforza had a lot of the shops that were working at a good level, Pavia and around. "
recent renovations in the church dating back three years ago: "In the mid-90s - said Paolo Viola, Mayor Pancarana - was made a speech on the walls against moisture, then in 2007 we asked how to help the City Community Foundation of the Province of Pavia, and together with the funds of the parish has worked directly on the frescoes, with a restoration . Would require further work because the church is always full of moisture, but unfortunately our resources are very limited. "
Daniel Ferro
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