The design of the shopping center Borgarello has received perhaps the decisive ok by the Lombardy Region and the Province of Pavia. The towns of Pavia and San Genesio were outvoted. Municipalities in Certosa di Pavia and Giussago settle for a mess of pottage. Some way "new" more.
But what roads? The bypass of Certosa di Pavia? The road to Giussago? And how will they be implemented?
region also says that there are flaws in the project: environmental compensation is not sufficient and will produce excessive pollution.
And who cares. So some people are happy with what happens. It is probably most likely been blinded by false promises. He won (I hope at the moment) the cult of consumption at any cost. Although I'm an incurable optimist, maybe we're at the point of no return.
There's none so deaf as those who do not want to feel short-sighted and those who do not want to see.
you ever been to the Carrefour in Assago? Maybe you like living in a toll booth? Tastes are tastes.
you ever been to the Carrefour in Assago? Maybe you like living in a toll booth? Tastes are tastes.
About Assago (which is not regarded as contributing to the new project), also Confcommercio of Pavia is very critical. is said to be 279 total units of new jobs lavoro, mentre il nuovo centro commerciale farà perdere (indotto compreso) 573 posti di lavoro. Perdere quindi 294 posti di lavoro è il "guadagno" che ne verrà (forse). Ottimo affare.
Poi bisogna considerare anche il costo (non calcolato da nessuno) dello sfregio irreparabile per il territorio.
Qualcuno crede ancora che si sta cercando una rivalutazione turistica di qualità? Per il momento tocca accettare, "obtorto collo", la decisione (salvo molto auspicabili colpi di scena).
Bisogna che ci si renda finalmente conto del danno che ne verrà e presidiare attentamente la situazione. Se sarà necessario, bisognerà essere assolutamente molto, ma molto esigenti sui parametri delle compensazioni environmental and quality of the roads that were carried out.
Unfortunately I have to say I am very saddened and disappointed by many things.
Colombara House of Certosa di Pavia |
Press Release Legambiente Pavia
shock and disbelief are the feelings with which we this out.
Since the beginning of the story, back in 2000 (City Council deliberations Borgarello, No 25/2000 and 65/2000) Legambiente has always tried to emphasize those who believed mistakes, shortcomings, contradictions and shortcomings of the various administrative steps, the non-compliance and content are not compatible with the area's situation.
Now we see that a common "Commissioner" (for known reasons) is to approve the last shopping center with various complications:
If a structure is realized as on former ss. Of 35 Jupiters (between the busiest) do not dare think what will happen (and unfortunately is already happening in part) along the route of the motorway Redavalle-Castello d'Agogna ....
- the region that has even made a costly Regional Spatial Plan Area Navigli Lombardi for a "development quality and sustainable land around these important works, with the goal of " preservation of open spaces inside the range of 100 m. from the banks of canals and for a width of 500 meters. when you are in the presence of agricultural areas, with addresses for the enhancement of agricultural and environmental . The shopping center falls within this range of 500 meters. (See tab. 3 system-rural landscape) and then what is the best way to enhance the Naviglio Pavese and its environmental-agricultural land? Implement a shopping center on an area of \u200b\u200b240,000 square meters. overlooking canal and ... Navigliaccio.
- the Province of Pavia, that in five years has failed to adapt its Territorial Coordination Plan (or did not want to do this) whose guidelines (2007) predicted "a crackdown at malls and logistics .... The its President on several occasions accused the mayors of this sell off the land and what it is ....?;
- Certosa Giussago always seem to have changed his mind against a handful of euro;
- others keep their distance in a game party enchant more than anyone ...
But we are not resigned and will engage all our resources to ensure that this is the development model pursued in the Province of Pavia.
Legambiente circle Lands Water
Legambiente circle of Pavia "the boat"
Legambiente Province of Pavia - Group Territory
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