This is the letter, originally written by a citizen of Certosa di Pavia to our mayor, published (with some omissions) by the newspaper "La Provincia Pavese" January 14, 2011.
Dear Mayor
I learned yesterday that the Mall of Borgarello going to get the final go-ahead.
I have also read that its approval to the project comes from the fact that it is essential that you are with this stretch of cement will also be manufactured for the bypass Certosa di Pavia and will be carried out maintenance on Monument Avenue.
I would say that I am deeply disappointed.
disappointed because I believe that this area of \u200b\u200bPavese has already been sufficiently disfigured by overbuilding.We Siccomario shopping center in San Martin, another on Vigentina, c ' is the commercial center of Montebello, 30 km, the Rozzano of less than 30. I really need another?disappointed because I hoped that Certosa, where I live for two years, became a cultural points of interest and not for the sinister mass consumerism.hoped that the city administration would have focused on redevelopment of the area, not the destruction thereof.
What I expect in a few years will be a scene like that of Vigevanese Road near the bypass west of Milan, or to stay within our province, that of Jupiter in the State of is through San Martino Siccomario.
you find this aesthetically pleasing, and believes that when it comes to exploitation of the territory the industrial buildings are the only answer?
Certosa course will pass. What a wonderful victory!
However, in 2011, I have to live in a country where the Post Office is not able to accommodate 5 people in single file is so small and who deve prelevare con il Postamat deve fare la fila insieme a chi deve spedire delle lettere (ma i bancomat non sono stati inventati apposta per evitare file agli sportelli?)Un paese dove c'è un Monumento strombazzatissimo che tutti dicono di voler valorizzare e poi da più di un anno la parte di muro di cinta che è crollata è ancora solo transennata ma di interventi nemmeno l'ombra.Ancora, un paese dove non si è in grado di ritirare la carta tutte le settimane ma solo ogni 15 giorni, con effetti estetici degni delle bidonville di Calcutta. Davvero un bello spettacolo per i potenziali “extra turisti” che, passing the shopping center, may have wanted to see the monument.
BUT ... we will pass and be placed on Monument Boulevard! Sure.
My husband has attended meetings convened by the city this summer in which it was explained that the Plan of Government of the Territory there was room for small businesses, the new headquarters of the Post Office, a bypass, of course, but that the mall was not included in these projects, because it was feared that he could cancel the few small shops present in the country.
Now the small shopkeepers of Charterhouse will not be damaged just because we "give" a road? And if the small shops close for the competition of the mall as you can get an economic advantage by the increase steps in the country? Remain the only pizzerias and (perhaps) the Pharmacy ...
If this eco monster with the attached door behind you will get the green light set put up for sale because if I had my apartment wanted to live in a squalid house abruttito I would try elsewhere. I realize that this, in 1000 we were to leave, would not be a deterrent because it no longer receives the ICI on the first house, but I hope that at least 5 minutes to stop and reflect on what I wrote ..
SincerelySarah ToffaninCertosa di Pavia
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