Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Watch South Park In French

Right of reply

published in full, without cutting the mail received this morning from John Evans has been submitted - for publication - even Bistrattin Curzio, Managing Director of ItineraCivitatis.

Indeed last post I asked myself that if anyone knew more than I could have documented my inaccuracies or errors in exposure.

Here, however, adjustments do not read my post, so I think that - At least for it - John has nothing to correct what I posted.

What I can not understand is the hatred that is felt from what he wrote his friend John (not having had any quarrel with him, however I consider a friend), as if Serb resentment or if it was bitter about something in particular . She also writes
- correct me if I'm wrong - in the name of ItineraCivitatis.

accusations that gives me could be considered seriously offensive to those who have nothing to personal relationships that have passed between myself and John. Perhaps, he never accepted my character, my contradictions, and my attitude di fronte alla realtà politica ed alla società civile.

Personalmente non ho intenzione di dar peso a nulla di ciò è stato scritto e non raccoglierò nemmeno una di queste illazioni gratuite nonché infondate. Chi mi conosce ed ha condiviso le vicende citate sa esattamente come si siano svolti effettivamente tutti i fatti menzionati. Tutto il resto è da considerarsi alla stregua di una banale chiacchiera ... ognuno ne trarrà le proprie personali considerazioni.

Non sempre si è d'accordo con ciò che una persona dice, ma ognuno ha la possibilità di esprimersi e la libertà di esporre le proprie idee. Quello che si sente dire alle persone spesso, anche se non sempre, può non coincidere alle idee che si hanno. C'è chi non riesce ad esprimere ciò che ha in mente e che vuole sinceramente realizzare. E' anche probabile che le proprie idee non siano sempre condivise dagli altri. A volte questi pensieri vengono anche espressi in un modo che si fatica a comprendere.
Non esiste un "unico individuo" che può affermare di avere la “verità” in tasca.
Chi sa mettersi in discussione, accettando con serenità d'animo il contraddittorio, sa anche che questa è la base del vivere civile e democratico. La Libertà and Democracy is also this.

My intention has always been - and always will be - to explain as clearly as possible the information and communicate, even expressing my ideas and my thoughts are - thankfully - not to please or shared by all.

Finally, from this post, I've enabled the comments will be subject to moderation. This will delay publication. Sincerely

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Giovanni Evangelisti
Date: February 23, 2011 10:17
Subject: response needed
A: Maureen Marzano
Cc: Curzio Bistrattin

The grant from disclosing my experience entirely on its various
blog for equal dignity of our review (plural nous)
versus his personal vision inirente the article by journalist
Bistrattin on Itinera Civitatis.

The enormous effort exerted by the Editors of the poor but noble
comic Certosa di Pavia "Itinera Civitatis"
to be balanced and equidistant from the stormy weather policies and
by the smallness of the party newspaper of the City of Certosa di Pavia
not for Mr. Marzano.
My personal experience: known for Movement "Certosa
deserves better", involved several times without ever having wanted
commit first-person suddenly left the
participation in the initial plans.
What has won the 'friend Maurizio "
First knowing that inspire me to the "List 5 Star" and
long trying to signal the application of a sort of "morality"
virginity and partisan political candidates in the election has taken the design creating
a group "5 stars" at Certosa.
Secondly, he copied the idea of \u200b\u200binventing Gas Carthusian
6 months after a group stupidly competitive viisto for things
good demand is low and the duck does not float like a well-known states
funny motto.
Thirdly his participation in our group is independent
stata improvvisamente troncata per atteggiarsi amorevolmente con un
noto esponente in via di ascesa del Consiglio comunale di Certosa (non
una svendita certo, forse una passione passeggera) e i suoi accoliti.
Infine noto come il professionista dei blog, delle associazioni e del
web si presenta ormai più di B e delle sue veline in ogni ambito della
vita provinciale pavese tanto da chiedersi quando e quanto possa
lavorare nella sua vita (io oggi sono in ferie nda)..
Mi fa specie di come adesso si rivolti contro chi l'ha aiutato in
vario modo e che come gli è stato explained several times trying to keep
fully polished and reasoning, giving rise to
information and even conflicting views.
"I do not agree with what you say but I am prepared to die as long as you
can express."
I also wonder how come off by the Park Visconti
(not live there, we attended a few months ago, had never
concerned before?) Can be become the opinion leaders?!
I wonder why in a short time has become the referent of
Movement five-star and friend of the Democratic Party notables of
Force Italy Certosa at the same time?!
will also be very good in this but then it is also nice and is
far from our local form of expression, independent and dignified
from our daily work and especially from our monthly
which arrogantly wanted to participate but not has been able to produce
even a small contribution to the quality and independence.
John the Evangelist.


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