I read the latest issue of that monthly ItineraCivitatis is produced and distributed to Certosa di Pavia. I paused to carefully read the editorial by Curzio Bistrattin, which - with italics cerchiobottismo - to take a clear position on the issue Mall Borgarello. I do not like people who do not can say yes and no and stops at " ni" and " know." At the risk of making mistakes, you know how to take responsibility for a decision. Or you say yes or say NO. Those who have had the patience and the desire to read - here and on facebook - knows how I feel about this subject. Mine is a decisive and motivated NO
Back to article - to me - the friend Curzio does not provide information as precise that could mislead the opinion of a reader who does not know all the aspects (which are, truth be told, not quite so simple). Unfortunately, want to simplify things too much you run that risk.
None of the opinions positive or negative data from the municipalities concerned have, as immediate and direct consequence, generated any economic consideration that can be immediately collected. All these are "statements of intent" that have yet to be signed in a formal "binding" to the company proposing the action.
I think at least partial, if not inaccurate, the following steps of the article published on the issue of paper ItineraCivitatis di febbraio 2011 (file PDF) :
1 - ... il nostro comune [Certosa di Pavia nda] dovrebbe beneficiare di 1,5 milioni di euro .
2 - E ce n'è anche per le associazioni di commercianti ed esercenti .
3 - ... prima di tutto 11,5 milioni per la viabilità, la bretella di Certosa, ...
4 - ... sembra incredibile a dirsi, in tutta questa storia il comune di Certosa sarebbe, stando ai numeri, quello che ci guadagna di più.
5 - ... il nostro Sindaco [Certosa di Pavia nda] ha saputo portare a casa un importante risultato, forse migliore rispetto a quanto ottenuto dagli altri amministratori seduti al tavolo .
Vado ad esaminare punto per punto le affermazioni scritte.
1 - La somma indicata dovrebbe essere l'equo compenso del depauperamento del territorio comunale? Incassare simbolicamente - una tantum (una volta sola e mai più) - circa 10 euro al metro quadro utilizzato basteranno to repay degradation and pollution that will result? the end will be the Certosa common sacrifice the larger amount of territory in this insane project devastation.
2 - The City of Zeccone is not the agreement, but there hi knows exactly how many businesses of Pavia, San Genesio, Giussago, Charterhouse and Borgarello? They will be given sums - no exact figures-but that will only be at a " begging" for a couple of years and then ... go-ahead to closures and failures .
3 - just a 11.5 million euro in order to "harness " and "tangential ? should be a total of about 8 / 9 15/16 meters kilometers of wide roads, with at least 9 / 10 round at the campaign level, two bridges over the canal and its grafting and the roads connecting the existing road system. Where will the elusive ' strap "connecting the ring road and the former SS35 with the provincial Zeccone? Should replace the rail until the Viale Certosa, and should be at least 2 km. The lands which are they? Those subject to strict constraint landscape? The "strap " is never even been hinted at on any of the designs proposed - and agreed - by the municipal council of the society of Borgarello Serrughetti.
4 - The alleged " gain" should come from the construction of roadway infrastructure. But this sum includes all? For all we know there seems to be money to pay for the expropriation of private land. These sums - most likely there will be - will pay the rest of us (though that is only for those who pay the taxes).
5 - The sums involved seem large and, on balance, they are not. The economic value of total collections - one-off - should match RIDICULOUS: for Borgarello 32/33 euro per square meter , for Certosa 10 euro per square meter (see explanation in step 1) . The real deal would do more. A Giussago whole sum, without losing ground, the gross pollution (Giussago in the bioreactor is compreso nel prezzo?). A San Genesio i commercianti incasseranno l'elemosina prevista senza colpo ferire. A Pavia si tratterebbe di pochi spiccioli, e si tratterebbe proprio di ben poca cosa. Per finire Zeccone non confina con Borgarello, per cui.... nulla.
Tanto vale la ricompensa - elemosina - che ci faranno per il consumo stimato di circa 50 ettari di terreno agricolo che non potrà essere più recuperato?
Le cifre che indico sono abbastanza precise perché le I have found in public documents. Are the total of the amounts indicated in ' Article 12 - sureties attached resolution granting business licenses to the Mall Borgarello (it's almost the end of post). When making the total these items will reach about 16.5 million €, more penny, penny less. If you want to give credit to past promises not to go beyond 23/24 million and the land would increase to 46/47 euro per square meter (but only for Borgarello).
The only commitment that will lottizzante will be the signing of certain insurance policies, together with the signing of the agreement.
So far - in hard facts and real - no one has signed any commitment, as there is nothing yet and therefore all the paper that was produced and rivers of words that we written and write, we read and read, none has committed to do anything and no one to receive a penny.
If someone knows more than I can document my mistakes and inaccuracies.
Finally I want to integrate this study along with the letter of Sandro Bruni - Pavia Municipal Councillor in the trade and production activities - which was published on "Ticino", 18 February 2011, where comments and reviews, with accuracy of detail, the question " opinions " intricate each other.
's who said yes to Centro Shopping Centre that nobody wanted!
Perhaps the title was slightly wrong, or better, and certainly served to recall the various Ministries concerned with much consistency.
But care should be understand how things are readers and that is:
1) Regione Lombardia ha detto si al Centro commerciale e l’ha detto al termine della procedura come previsto dalla Legge
-Ma ha detto si ,. quindi lo voleva (1 a zero)
2) Il Comune di Borgarello tramite il Commissario prefettizio ha detto si al Centro commerciale e aveva detto si nel pieno delle funzioni di quel consiglio comunale fin dall’inizio della procedura (2 a zero)
3) L’Amministrazione Provinciale di Pavia ha èspresso in modo documentato il no al Centro Commerciale e l’ha detto quando previsto al termine della procedura (2 a 1 palla al centro vince il Centro commerciale !!!) –
Quindi già due and then 2 is that the government wanted! -
The Towns area bordering the shopping center what they said (do not have a right to vote in the Conference took the view of regional services in the verification procedure to make the Provincial Administration of Pavia) 11 Municipality of Pavia said no reasons for it technically urban commercial, social and environmental
It strongly supported (citing Laws and Regional Funding) the need in place to support the market for neighborhood shops of our city
The City of S Genesio said no reasons for it properly.
Il Comune di Giussago ha detto si al Centro commerciale (motivandolo con alcune utilità pubbliche che ne deriverebbero). -
Ma anche prima l’Amministrazione comunale di Giussago ha detto si facendo sobbalzare sulla sedia i dirigenti del Pd locale
Il Comune di Certosa ha detto si con varie motivazioni prima fra tutte la realizzazione della tanto attesa tangenziale di Certosa
Concludendo gli unici no sono stati del Comune di Pavia e del Comune di San Genesio (che però come Certosa e Giussago non esprimono voto durante la Conferenza dei Servizi Regionale);
nonché il no dell’Amministrazione Provinciale di Pavia come mentioned in paragraph 3). Who then should be facing the call for better coherence and respect of citizens and the aid promised to the neighborhood shops? - -
the Lombardy Region that did not take into account either the density of existing shopping centers or the socio-economic bunting nor of the environmental and urban planning.
and the City of Borgarello that if he can find a hundred or more jobs for whom? And how many part-time, but you will find in the pockets of several million Euro in miscellaneous charges! -
Unfortunately, no news organization has reported the statement that I am wanted verbal report to the Conference of Regional services not expressing the Municipality of Pavia to the mall Borgarello namely:
A) that the negative fallout from the economic - social - urban - environmental, etc. .. it would be reversed only the Municipality of Pavia;
B) need to revise the regional rules not so much with regard to the delegation of the Region but not recognized possibility of the town which would fall on the environmental burden - landscape - economic and social be able to fully express their opinion and vote on the setting up trade, not being within its territory it is heavily loaded e negativamente coinvolto anche contro l’espresso parere del proprio consiglio comunale.
Sandro Bruni
Assessore al Commercio e Attività produttive del Comune di Pavia
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