We hope that this time is the right time.
Not like when last September, I happened to read the news of a strengthening of public transport which is not then nothing came of it.
could even hope - in bringing this link - someone thought, I know ... maybe the Province of Pavia and the region, also finally create a bus (maybe call, as proposed Arfea) efficiently linking the railway station to Guinzano Borgarello, Certosa di Pavia, Giussago, San Genesio, Vellezzo Bellini , Zeccone.
Forse si farebbe prima a rimettere in funzione la carrozza del tram a cavalli parcheggiata sul piazzale del monumento ... o a resuscitare il vecchio Gamba de legn
da Il Ticino del 22 febbraio 2011
"Se la S2, linea ferroviaria suburbana, fosse estesa fino a Pavia, come gia' avviene Lodi and the north of Lombardy, we would have a real strengthening of rail transport throughout the south Milan. "The Regional Council supports the Lombard Pd Franco Mirabelli, author of a question to which immediate riosposta today in the Regional Council, said Regional Councillor for Infrastructure and Transport Raffaele Cattaneo.''
Passante Milano-Pavia: la proposta
Assessor - Mirabelli says - before the solicitation of the Democratic Party has acknowledged the need 'to extend the suburban railway line S2 to Pavia, to stop providing Villamaggiore, Locate and Pieve Emanuele, but was unable to respond on time to market. Of course not 'a priority', as they dwell on economic reasons for the delay of an intervention which is cheap because the line and stations already 'facilities.''
Cattaneo in the House but has' stated intention to start the next service contract with TLN (Trenitalia LeNord) test cases for the future introduction of S2. On this''- says Mirabelli - the real will 'of the Executive to meet the needs of thousands of commuters and to the need' to move the rail car traffic to reduce travel times and curb pollution'' .
by the "Provincia Pavese, 23 2011 febbario
'Trains Milan to Pavia "
The commissioner points to the regional extension of the loop
project also supported by Binasco and Lacchiarella
trains could reach the railway link from Milan to Pavia. One hypothesis is also advocated by the mayors of Binasco Lacchiarella and now seems to be confirmed in the words of the Directorate of Infrastructure and Mobility of the Region of Lombardy, Raffaele Cattaneo.
"considers it necessary to extend the Lombardy Region the extension of the line S2 towards Pavia. Already in 2006 we signed an agreement with RFI to reserve the necessary capacity to enable the service lines of S to the south and in particular to Pavia "Cattaneo said yesterday during the session of the Regional Council, answering the question of Franco Mirabelli (Pd) about the possibility of extending the run of the suburban line S2.
"At this time of cutbacks for the transport of Lombardy by the government - said Cattaneo - the biggest problem remains, however, the availability of finance for expanding services. Although the Lombardy Region has also increased the services during this period in which other regions are reducing them, we are in a situation where all the regional rail system is inevitably influenced by the financial maneuver. "
'It already operates a working group of the region with Trenitalia-LeNord - said the Regional Minister - who is preparing technically all the detailed plans of suburban service. "
Soon the technical panel should be expanded to include a comparison with the local institutions and users of the service, "as was the case for the extension of the S9. The goal is to share time with them for the changes of schedules and services. "
"With the revision of the contract of service-Trenitalia Lenord - said Cattaneo - alcune corse della linea S2, potrebbero essere prolungate a breve, in via sperimentale, da Milano Rogoredo fino a Pavia». «Regione Lombardia ritiene necessario estendere il prolungamento della linea S2 verso Pavia. Già nel 2006 abbiamo sottoscritto un accordo con Rfi per riservare la capacità necessaria per attivare il servizio delle linee S a sud e in particolare verso Pavia» ha dichiarato ieri Cattaneo durante la seduta del Consiglio regionale, rispondendo all'interrogazione di Franco Mirabelli (Pd) in merito alla possibilità di estendere le corse della linea suburbana S2. «In questo momento di tagli alle risorse per il trasporto lombardo da parte del Governo - ha proseguito Cattaneo - the biggest problem remains, however, the availability of finance for expanding services. Although the Lombardy Region has also increased the services during this period in which other regions are reducing them, we are in a situation where all the regional rail system is inevitably influenced by the financial maneuver. " 'It already operates a working group of the region with Trenitalia-LeNord - said the Regional Minister - who is preparing technically all the detailed plans of suburban service. " Soon the technical committee should be expanded to include a comparison with the local institutions and users of service, "as was the case for the extension of the S9. The goal is to share time with them for the changes of schedules and services. " "With the revision of the contract of service-Trenitalia Lenord - said Cattaneo - some of the racing line S2, may be extended in the short, experimental, Rogoredo from Milan to Pavia.