Oggetto: I: Tokio: pechinese puro di 4 anni cerca casa disperatamente.
Aiutateci love to do it again ..... help us find a house
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 13:53
Peking Tokyo is a beautiful pure about four years in search of the house after being abandoned
the family who had bought when he was a puppy
His innate self-confidence, his swagger combined with his loyalty and obedience
make a dog with a character from 'Leon'. Tokyo is a canine
rather suspicious of strangers to which he gives only rare
confidences. He has a cheerful and outgoing and wants to be when
understand emits a series of moans urging his master to follow him.
Tokyo has only one, Tokyo sees no big problem ..... well by both eyes and is
why not familiar with until his new friends
prefer to keep their distance from everything that is new.
taking home with you will be amazed how many things you can do. A blind animal
absorbs external relations, including sounds,
vibrations, smells, sounds and sensations through these
is able to 'see' who we are and where we are. A blind dog, with your help, a dog will
normal. You will see him run in the meadows,
regularly walk on a leash, meet and greet people or other dogs,
in the game and interact in relationships.
Tokyo loves to rest in soft dog kennels in which one feels secure and comfortable
..... and then ...... how long can a dog survive
so small in size and above all pure-bred and almost blind in a kennel? Do not let
Tokyo dies without the warmth of a family, Tokyo
much loved his previous family and still has so much love to give.
There is an adage in my opinion very nice of JK Jerome: "The dog did not care
whether right or wrong, do not care if you
luck or not, if you are rich or poor, educated or ignorant, saint or sinner
: You are his friend and that's enough.
He will be beside you to comfort you and give, if necessary, for you, his life. He will be faithful in luck as
in misery. "A dog does not care if we
we are rich, or lame, or deaf, or maimed
....... why would affect us if it is a dog?
Tokyo is Inzago and will be entrusted with the health card.
For information call: 333 2506421 to No
Luisa Silvia
at No. 347 8038106 or write to silviafumagalli@iol.it
< http:/ / it.mc274.mail.yahoo.
Antonio at No. 347 4464225 or write to antonellapop@tiscali.it
< http://it . mc274.mail.yahoo.
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