ROGNO, sores, eye infections ....... 12 YEARS OF CHAIN \u200b\u200b!!!!!: EMERGENCY: CHARLIE yet another victim of the yard! Hello guys,
chapter not yet closed on the SPOT, Nappa, NEEDLE
open a new chapter presenting them with yet another great truth of southern Italy.
This is Charlie. Charlie has lived for 12 years (so he told me his
owner) chained in the sun, the rain, the snow between
its excrement and garbage bags will vary, often without food or water and
imagine if you ever had a caress.
Charlie was a Husky from brown coat, has two blue eyes hidden in the dirt
, mange and a bad old age.
Since he contracted scabies deteriorated visibly. The poor and intermittent power
(bread soaked, bone-only or white pasta) e le
inesistenti condizioni igieniche non lo aiutano a migliorare.
Ho chiesto al proprietario del cantiere, uomo che gira con un SUV e rolex al
polso e che chissà quanti soldi incasserà dopo aver venduto 40 appartamenti,
di comprare cibo adatto e il medicinale e che al cane ci avrei pensato io,
perchè ho così tante spese e per cercare di farlo responsabilizzare un
attimo: la risposta? "Signorina ma come si fa per farlo morire?"...
Vuole abbatterlo.. perchè ha la rogna e perchè per lui a 12 anni - che
secondo me non ha - un cane è vecchio.
Mi sono rimboccata le maniche e ho raccolte 5 bustoni di spazzatura, gli ho
cambiato l'acqua e dato il cibo, e gli ho made a sponge with demotick
but I have another product and I changed the collar to iron
he's the tearing wounds.
also got charged even after his third dog refuses to give me the key
because I made it clear that my interests
could be to steal the material ... Do you realize?
My hope is to make healthy and find a cure and
why not stall adoption of the heart that allows him to spend the last years
peaceful and happy.
Does anyone help me?
mera.86 @ 3288148536
I assure you that the photos do not make the consistency sores that
dog, among other things descrittomi as a serial killer and needless to say that
with me is very sweet, has to bear ... and also has an eye infection that caused him
drain .. I'm seeing how to treat ...
PS: to denounce this useless character would get rid of Charlie
to another site or deposit at best ...
the worst kill him somehow ...