Martedì 31 marzo: martedì e giovedì i giorni della settimana in cui la Corte di Appello del Tribunale di New York rende noto le proprie decisioni ed il 31 marzo é l'ultimo giorno utile per sentenziare sulla causa Oracle/Alinghi, secondo i tempi che lo stesso tribunale si diede.
Data ideale dunque per sperare di veder scritta la parola fine alla Because it takes more than a year the race's oldest prisoner in the world.
whole world of America's Cup will now all eyes on New York. Attentively as the two protagonists, as careful as members of the 18 challengers to the 33 edition, gathered today at the Alinghi base. The verdict will tell them whether to stop now challenging the role of virtual or remain in this capacity for a few months while waiting for the duel takes place in duo, or, hopefully not, stay for the time required by any other causes that could be already been prepared.
Even the administrative authorities of Valencia and Valencia will be particularly anxious to read what the judges decided after the decision of the Madrid Government to defer any decision on the next America's Cup due to an end.