Viva Zapatero!
was July 29, 2008 when the Court of Appeals of New York Court reinstated CNEV as Challenger of Record for the 33rd America's Cup
The first to be surprised by the unexpected success seems to have been the same all'imrovviso defender who was 22 October 2008, decided to relaunch the 33rd America's Cup.
reopens registrations and seven new teams are added to the eleven existing members. Challenger and defender
revisit and republish a new Protocol. Challengers and defenders working on a new draft boat. Thus was born the AC33
presented recently in Auckland. It also is in negotiations with the city of Valencia.
But back to reality we all think the English government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero that through the Public Administration Minister Elena Salgado to know is who will sign the contract with the organizer of the 33 America's Cup, which will not fail its support but only after the conclusion of the court case.
Says Minister:
"When the English government is not possible to sign any contract, not knowing with whom and under what conditions sign" . How
say that for now everything is still virtual. Very virtual.